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Authority vs Rulership OR Phooey on the Iron Fist!


Real Person
Ever hear of a man who ruled his family "with an iron fist"?
Worse yet, did you experience it either growing up or as an adult?
(Had nothing to do with whether the man was monogamous or polygamous, did it?! :( )

Makes you just want to CRINGE inside when you hear these poly friendly folks start using words like "Patriarchy, i.e. rule by the father", or talking about the men having authority in their families, or about submission. *Violently Shuddering*.

It did me, too, (and yes, I did grow up in such a household) until God got that whole "start from compassion" thing going, and taught me about this. Now it becomes a thing of beauty.

Here's the deal: One of the reason's King David was a man after God's own heart was because he understood the difference, which is this:
** Authority is delegated, downward, from a higher authority.
** Rulership is granted (or with-held, or ended via rulercide) by those under authority.

Here's the story:
King Saul messes up so bad that God rejects both him and his lineage for any future kingship role in Israel. This leaves a vacuum of human kingly authority in Israel.

Not surprisingly, Saul does not take this as a hint to pack his bags, exit the palace, and go back to whatever he was doing chasing his father's donkeys around the hills. He had already shown his non-submission to his Higher Authority, and besides, he LIKED being king -- well, except for those dark moods and jealousies that had him throwing javelins at the musicians ...

The local prophet, Samuel, is really into Saul, and thoroughly upset about the whole thing, to the point that God has to speak up. "Samuel, get a GRIP! Take a shower, comb your hair, put on some fresh clothes, -- oh, and a bit of Old Spice wouldn't be amiss -- and go down to Jesse's house. We got to deal with this Authority Void!"

As we all know, that involved David, the baby of the family, being anointed king.

Here's the interesting thing: It also involved kingly authority once more residing in a human in Israel.

From that moment on, David carried the authority as king of Israel. That involved the responsibility to live life, not only for himself, but also always looking out primarily for the best interests of those under his authority -- which he actually managed surprisingly well.

The interesting thing is that the tribal elders "got the word". They knew about it. Yet they were content to let Saul continue as ruler. It was only years later, after Saul's death, that they came to David and said, "Ummm..... We know that you were anointed. We know that you've got the authority. Will you please take up the task of rulership as well?"

Isn't it interesting that David hadn't pursued it, all this time? Just did the best he could with and for those who chose to join up with him.

Isn't it even more interesting that he didn't fight to maintain it when Absolom came along? His attitude seems to have been, "I'm willing to step aside if that is what is needed. I respect your right to choose who you want to rule over you. And God is free to interfere as He chooses." Of course, David was soon back on his throne.

This provides me, as a husband, with lots of good example and instruction.

Make no doubt about it -- God has granted (delegated, conferred, anointed) us men with authority in the home. That authority is the responsibility to lead and rule and carry on our hearts all our born days those whom He has placed in our care.

But lest any of us get big-headed, and start looking for an iron rod, or prattling about our authority as an excuse for general pig-headedness, the rulership must yet be granted by those under this authority. They, in turn, have every right to look to their own interests and ask, "Can we trust this man in that role?" I propose that passages such as Ex 21:10,11 are basically God advising those normally under authority when it is appropriate to terminate rulership.

The happiest situation occurs when it all lines up. God places authority in a man, his wife or wives agree and grant him the commensurate rulership.

Sadly, that is not always the case. If the man involved rules with that iron fist, his family may well cry out to God for justice and relief -- and get it. Au contraire, of course, rebellion can exist in the hearts of those under a well performing authority.

But the authority comes from or is withdrawn by God, and rulership is granted, withheld or withdrawn by the family.

And we poor fellas *sob*, are simply caught in the middle.
Oops. Missed putting on the laughing smiley face ( :lol: ) after that last comment.

Just like we guys get excited about being "head of the woman", and thus the family, and think we're just cock-of-the-walk, but forget that there are two tiers of authority over us (Jesus is the head of men, God is the head of Jesus), making us simply lower level, first tier supervisors! (Another :lol: )
I enjoy your stories Cecil, good commentaries.

The more authority I get, the more I realize I am responsible to the one who entrusted me with it, & to the ones He entrusted me to.
you do have a gift of putting the food down on the lower shelves so that we all can see it
Steve, I think that may well be one of the nicest, as well as most colorful, compliments of my life! *grin*

This morning, I'm a little more "with it" than yesterday, and realize that I didn't manage to say my point in this particular diatribe, which was that ...

With the understanding of the difference between Authority and Rulership, we men would find the execution of our responsibility of Authority so much easier if, instead of trumpeting our authority, we would concentrate on a) learning how to live our lives and conduct ourselves so that our families would willingly choose to follow, as worth following, then b) steadily woo said families.

I, personally, need all the help possible on learning those two skills. *sigh*

I have not had the opp to read your posts until now. Thank you so much for what is obviously the Lord speaking through you.

My son would quote Spiderman saying , "With great power comes great responsibility."


You are very right in how authority is to be treated, and this is a lovely post. You state things very well. However, I just a few small comments to add.

I would say the reason David didn't immediately get up and sit on the throne, and the reason the Israelites didn't make it happen, was because Saul was the anointed king. That anointing and position doesn't go away. David understood that, and everyone waited until the death of Saul... much like waiting for the death of a husband so that you can remarry. All kingdom transfers seemed to happen this way in Israel... though there were rebellions at times.

As for Absolom, God told David that because of his adultery with Uriah's wife those exact things would come upon him. David knew it was his fault. He was basically dead on his feet because he knew it was a judgment from God, from what I can tell. He knew what Absolom was doing was wrong, but as his father he knew that the wrong was ultimately his. "Oh Absolom, Absolom, my son, my son!" Imagine feeling the guilt of your sinful actions in the deaths of 2 or 3 of your sons.

"With great power comes great responsibility."
Note that Spiderman's actions killed his uncle. Power is to be taken with strength, but with fear and trembling of the one who gave it to you. We are not all under each other, but we are all servants and slaves of the Most High.

And we poor fellas *sob*, are simply caught in the middle.
No joke. And women want equal rights!
Hi Cecil,

Great conclusion! I think you hit it on the head. Husbands are given their authority by God, but aren't given the right to abuse that authority.

John for Christ
Brought this one back just cause I still think the subject is interesting and relevant.
That is a very good explanation Cecil, I hadn't read this one before. I hadn't separated authority and rulership before, and it is very helpful to do so.
Uhm... Seem to be a surprising lack of female commentators here, so I hope I haven't wandered into the men's forum! :lol:

Cecil, I always enjoy your posts. They're so kind and thoughtful. Likewise, when an authority figure has these traits, obtaining "rulership" isn't usually an issue. It's when a man "puts down his foot" and proclaims, "I am MAN! You WILL obey!" that he's usually met with challenge.
See there, Kathryn? Wrong male message. Should be, "I am MAN! Submit to my HUG!" (There are likely to be LOTS of them!) :lol:

I suspect that if pronouncements started here, with those under his authority being reminded of how much he CARED, he wouldn't particularly have to do the other "SUBMIT..." statement much, if at all.
I am glad to read this. I have really been struggling. As God blessed Laura and I with a new family members it has been tough. I failed for so many years to be a stand up leader, and there is no other option in a Godly home. I have watched the assimilation process be darn near impossible. AND I HAVE TRIED TO CONTROL. I have tried to brow beat the sin into submission. It does not work. For years, because of a very negative childhood and because of a multi addictive personality, I practiced the 12 steps in my life.

After much prayer and consternation, I have come to view my role with my wives as a Sponsor/ Sponsee relationship. It allows me to drop the hurt, to view the sin in the same eyes that I do addiction. Nothing against me, just a struggle with their own stuff. Now I am establishing "meetings" within my home. I take off the self pity and hurt feelings, and council as a Sponsor. It is a leadership role. It is a job to help someone get better (follow God) and releases their "hubby" to love them without lecturing or condemning.

So far so good, Thank you Lord.
captainjonathan said:
... I have come to view my role with my wives as a Sponsor/ Sponsee relationship. ... Now I am establishing "meetings" within my home. I take off the self pity and hurt feelings, and council as a Sponsor. It is a leadership role. It is a job to help someone get better (follow God) and releases their "hubby" to love them without lecturing or condemning.

So far so good, Thank you Lord.

What a GREAT idea Jonathon! I really, really like it. Please update us from time to time on how it is going.

"Hello. My name is Cecil. I'm a plyg." :lol: