Our premier Biblical Families event is just 4 weeks away! We cannot wait to meet new (and old) friends, fellowship together, encourage each other, and worship the Lord!
Many have been asking about details, and we’ve been scrambling with the date change (and being up against the Texas-OU football game weekend! – which really impacted the hotel situation) to nail them down, and here they are.
We are very excited about this retreat. The theme of this retreat is "The Biblical Way". Some of the topics we will be covering are...
1. Polygyny is not for babies.
2. The truth about marital ownership.
3. What is "The Biblical Way"?
This is going to be a great time of encouragement, fellowship, worship and learning. – Pastor Randy
Schedule (October 10th – 12th):
7:00pm-10:00pm Meet and Greet (including "get to know each other" activities)
Some of us may meet at 5pm and go to dinner together – let us know if you want to be included in those plans
9:00am - 9:30am Prayer
9:30am - 10:30am Session One
10:30am - 10:45am Break
10:45am - 11:45am Session Two (Inter Active Relationship Building Activities)
11:45am - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:00pm Session Three (Men and Women Breakout sessions)
3:00pm - 6:30pm Free time - fellowship - supper (meeting room still open and available)
6:30pm - 7:00pm Prayer
7:00pm - 8:00pm Session Four
8:00pm - 9:00pm Special Event
9:30am Prayer
10:00am-?? Worship Service
Lunch together for those who desire, then afternoon fellowship, as people say goodbye – which is always hard. Stay until supper if you can!
Retreat details
After you finalize your plans, you MUST email us at
staff@biblicalfamilies.org , so that we know you are coming – please list the number of adults and number of children, and children’s ages. And state when you expect to arrive. This is what counts as retreat registration.
If you won’t know until the last week whether you can definitely make it, please email us and let us know that you are trying, that’s helpful to our planning.
We will meet in the meeting room at a hotel very near the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. Please email us for hotel details:
The hotel includes free wireless Internet, free breakfast, an outdoor pool, and an airport shuttle. There are a number of restaurants within a mile of the hotel.
We have a divided meeting room, and will be able to have some children’s activities separately (and the older kids are welcome to swim with your permission, and perhaps use a hotel room). If you have children, please think about some activities/games/books/movies that you can bring along – and we will be asking families with children (and those who want to volunteer) to sign up for a period to help watch children. If everybody helps, it should go smoothly. (Eventually we may be able to get outside help with the children – but that may not be an option yet this retreat.)
If you have any questions please ask!
nathan@biblicalfamilies.org or
Please note that rather than charge for the retreat, we prefer to take an offering to cover the costs of the meeting room and other expenses.
I think we can guarantee that everyone will be blessed, if they come ready to share, learn, and grow in the knowledge of the Lord and His plan for our families. Don’t come expecting to meet people who are just like you – but people who do love the Lord very much!