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  • Yan
    Yan replied to the thread Random Comments.
    When I miss someone a lot, I literally start having auditory and visual hallucinations. When I was a child, I saw my great-grandmother's "spirit" passing through my room. I have also seen images of my dog who has passed away.
  • Daniel DeLuca
    Oh lookie here! They already have accounted for the additional water! You just read a portion of it and missed ignored this part: - A massive volume of groundwater adds to the catastrophic dam breach waters
  • steve
    steve replied to the thread Who should offer marital advice?.
    Trying to understand what you mean by this part. Do you believe that Mark is a hireling? If so, why?
  • steve
    steve reacted to Joleneakamama's post in the thread Prayer request Please Praise YHWH! with Like Like.
    Thriving. She fusses when she needs to go...and goes in her lil potty too. How her mama keeps up with all that I don't know.
  • steve
    steve reacted to Mark C's post in the thread Based memes with Like Like.
    The Babylon Bee is just generally a bit early.
  • steve
    steve reacted to FollowingHim's post in the thread Based memes with Like Like.
    I think it's likely roughly accurate as to what is happening but with incorrect details, in the same way that the Babylon Bee is usually roughly accurate as to a trend but with exaggerated details. Satire has to have some truth to satirise.
  • frederick
    frederick replied to the thread Just Funny Memes.
    My good woman (doctor) threatens castration by rusty scalpel. Men laugh... (then grimace as they cross their legs). :)
  • Daniel DeLuca
    I won't be. You mentioned Walt Brown's editions. When I first read his book online, I found numerous spelling and grammatical errors in that edition, that have been fixed. They would not have to adjust their views one bit, to fix the wording. On...
  • FollowingHim
    Infinitely??? Do you believe Jesus is coming back? If so, why? But that could have been miswritten, could it not? If we were to attempt to travel to the nearest star, and run out of fuel before we reach the halfway point, we would return and...
  • Daniel DeLuca
    Infinitely??? Do you believe Jesus is coming back? If so, why? But that could have been miswritten, could it not? If we were to attempt to travel to the nearest star, and run out of fuel before we reach the halfway point, we would return and...
  • Mark C
    Mark C reacted to MeganC's post in the thread Just Funny Memes with Like Like.
    A good woman should always scare weak men. Her goodness should be a mirror for their weakness. It sometimes helps to carry a .45 but I recommend starting with the goodness part. And a knife. A good woman also needs a knife. But start with the...
  • Mark C
    Mark C replied to the thread Based memes.
    The Babylon Bee is just generally a bit early.
  • Daniel DeLuca
    I highlighted a part that you missed.
    • 1740184454423.png
  • Daniel DeLuca
    Yeah, and we all agree with you, yet you keep thinking you're arguing with someone by saying it over and over again. You seem very dogmatically invested into this typo!
  • MrB
    MrB reacted to steve's post in the thread Time in the game with Like Like.
    The thing is, I don’t claim to be able to give good advice. But I do know bullsnot when I see it being given.