Shalom/Peace/Wholeness to all our new friends and mishpacha/family,
Rivkah and I just want to let everyone know what a blessing it was to be with you ALL.
First and foremost, because we need friends after the Messianics and others we knew gave us the right foot of fellowship
Also, because we learned so much about how to approach plural marriage in the future when YHWH provides someone for us. Thanks to this fantastic and yet relaxing weekend, we have learned to avoid about 191 mistakes that we made the first time! Additionally, we saw others called as we were and we saw we were not alone in this great calling back to being fed the full heritage of Jacob our father through Messiah Yahshua.
Also, we finally found plural families that actually treat each other in love like Messiah and are not fighting and trying to destroy each other over such issues as territorialism, space and uncalled for jealousy. The families that are currently living plural, with great modesty and joy in Messiah’s forbearance and love, were GREAT examples to us and have given us the impetus to move forward in YHWH’s calling upon our lives.
I want to thank Nathan, Julie and Nita Bender for being precious and “real people hosts†and for their HARD work, along with the plural families headed by Don, Nathaniel and Nathan (great witnesses to us), along with Doc and all the other valiant men and women, who are not afraid of following YHWH’s will.
We have returned safely, with renewed vigor and understanding, thanks to each and every one of you!
Shalom, Shalom,
Sholiach/Apostle Rabbi/Teacher Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky
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