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Any 1st wives???


New Member
I would like to know if there are any 1 st wives out there that have successfully added and second to the family? Would any of you be willing to talk with me privately?
Trisha, I am a first wife, although still a newbie! If you send me a pm, we can set up a time to talk.

Absolutely!! You can also come and stay at my house.... :)
We have some amazing women in this group! I am a "First wife" I prefer "Wife of his youth" lol :lol:

My wonderful and amazing sister wife was diagnosed with a terminal brain disease and chose to leave the family instead of allowing us to be with her until the end.
I recently got word from her sister that she has gone to be with the Lord and we were not informed until after the memorial. :cry:
God is bringing us through this. We have had almost a year to grieve and my hubby is talking to a nice lady now but just getting to know her. So we will see!
I'm a first wife. We are still courting, yet another chick. Man is it hard to find a sane chick that's not jealous or selfish. I'd gladly talk with anyone about pm.
Mrs G - you should join us on Tuesday evening for ladies chat. Pretty sure we are not meeting this week but we should be back together next week.
HI everyone,

Thanks for the responses. I asked the question and then got crazy busy. I am adjusting to having another woman in the house. It has its blessings and challenges. DH and I have been married almost 15 years. It is harder than I thought to let go of some of him and his time. In my day to day life I don't have anyone that really understands our situation. I am glad that there are so many willing ears here to talk to.
Hi Trisha

I'm glad you said that because I thought it may not be as simple to accommodate to each other.. I've noted your last comment on this thread was in January 2013. Are you still feeling the same way or have things improved?