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Any Interest in a Titus 2 study?

Greetings & Blessings!

Just wondering if any of you lovely sisters in Christ have had a chance to read my post/request here in the Ladies only section of a study on Titus 2? Any thoughts, any interest or book suggestions for a topical study on Titus 2? Looking forward to some type of feedback from someone. Lutherangirl, Beta, JulieB, Kelly Deann, Deann, anyone? :) ;) This study could be such "an eye opener for God's Holy will & Blessings for us women of the faith!" Go forth in His Name, Might, Power, Love & a Sound Mind!

Warm Wishes,
F.S. :)
Yeah, I would be interested. Any night but Wednesday works for me if there is an on-line chat group.
Greetings Michelle & Fairlight! :D

Thanks much for getting back with me ladies, as I appreciate you taking the time to do so. I'm still interested in a Titus 2 study myself. However I've only received feedback from you two lovely Sisters in Christ. I have seen that this matter/post has received quite a few views, but still would love more feedback to see if there may be a real interest in it, and who may be able & willing to help lead it. Do either of you have any actual topical studies/books available regarding a Titus 2 study, or know of someone who does? Well thanks for your input, as I look forward to seeing where God will lead in this area. Take care & God bless you both!

Warm Wishes,
F.S. :)
As much as I would enjoy doing an online study, especially on Titus 2, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the study, considering I'm 32 weeks pregnant and still trying to get school done for the year before the baby comes!
Greetings Katie,

Thanks much for posting on this topic. I surely do understand your position at this season of your life. As your plate is full and about to be overflowing with another lovely blessing of new life! :) On top of a mommas never ending chore list, and home schooling the kiddos to boot! :shock: :lol: This may not be the season for any of us, for such an intense study. Summer is family time, vacation time and sometimes the busiest season of all. However, I wonder if this may be a study that would go off easier in the late fall or late winter months when cabin fever has set in?! ;) Oh well, lets keep this in our minds and take it to God in prayer for His will to be done with this particular matter/study. Thanks to all who have taken the time to respond and for your shared input. Take care and have a blessed, productive and refreshing summer with family & friends!

Warm Wishes,
F.S. :)

I found this book on Amazon: Becoming a Titus 2 Woman; A Bible Study with Martha Peace [Paperback. Amazon was selling used books for $1.98. I don't know if anyone here as read this book or not? If you go to amazon.com you can have a look inside the book. Let me know what you think.

Hey there Michelle,

Thanks much for the info! :D Very helpful info indeed, maybe we could make a go of this study? I'm gonna check out that book later this evening, what a buy at a dollar something! Thanks for taking the time to research this. Lets put our heads together and see how we could possibly make this work. Maybe we could tackle such a study in the winter, when cabin fever has set in? What do you ladies think? Thanks again my sweet friend & Sister in Christ! :)

Warm Wishes,

P.S. If all else fails, you and I could do this study together Michelle. ;)
As well as you other ladies, you could possibly get this book if interested,
and do your own study with your circle of friends. Especially if most here
feel that this may be too intense of an on-line study to attempt.
I would LOVE to do this study! I am committed to raising my daughter to be a Godly wife and mother and I think this would seal my heart to that commitment!
Greetings Nikismom!

Thanks much for replying and for the interest in this study! :) My dear friend & Sister in the Lord Michelle(Lutherangirl), actually has purchased a Titus 2 study off of Amazon. She was able to get the books for $7's each. So far we've had little to no interest in it from others. So this is encouraging! We each had a few "maybes" from other church friends. We still need to get together ourselves to go over the material and see how to go about doing it. We were going to just meet for coffee and study once a month or possibly once a wk. However if there's more interest and you and other Sisters of the Faith would like to get the book, maybe we can try to do it on line. Read a chapter a week and then discuss it here. However it was hard to do the on line study we tried here before. As it's nicer to be face to face for better discussion times, prayer & hugs of support/encouragement. ;) But hey lets pray for Yeshua's will regarding it and keep the lines of communication open and see where Yeshua leads us! :) If we do feel led to try it on line, and there is an interest from others as well, what day of the week would be good for you? Thanks again for inquiring! Take care and Keep on Keeping on with Yeshua, family & friends. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as time permits. :)
