• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Are people meeting?


New Member
If you are a man reading this please exit now. This is posted in the Ladies only forum.
Now, back to my question. I have been curious if all these single ladies coming through have been meeting families or are both sides expressing their desire to meet someone on the boards and it stops there? Are people meeting or what? Not trying to pry, just curious how it all is working behind the scenes.
we are in the process of meeting someone in person, with the understanding that there is NO pressure from us whatsoever! We believe God will lead hubby to the right woman to join our family. I am looking forward to making a new friend and if nothing develops between her and hubby then I've got a new friend and that's fine by me!

We are interested! :D
Nikismom said:
we are in the process of meeting someone in person, with the understanding that there is NO pressure from us whatsoever! We believe God will lead hubby to the right woman to join our family. I am looking forward to making a new friend and if nothing develops between her and hubby then I've got a new friend and that's fine by me!

We are interested! :D

Not trying to pry and don't need to know names, I was wondering if this woman is from Biblical Families?
As in all things there are many ways to go about meeting a women who is looking for a family. You can meet her on the forums and then start a more personnal relationship with her thru that. You can come to a BF's retreat and meet a single lady there (if any come to the retreat. You can also use a retreat as a good common ground meeting place for a first in person meeting.) You can submit an Introductions form to Nathan, the Director of BF. There is a link on the Home page for this. He will then make suggestions of single ladies, who have also sent in Introduction forms, to you. This is not a "dating service" per se, but a place that gives accountablility to the families and the single ladies. Nathan doesn't recommmend anyone that he doesn't know pretty well and he prays before making any introductions.

In addition, there are several ways to meet ladies out side of BF's. Other plural family websites, chat rooms, or even an ad on a dating service site, can all be used. I would recommend caution regarding all these methods though. Unfortunately, many people are deceiving.

If you are wanting to know how many have been united thru BF's that is a bit hard to know. You essentially have to have relationship with those on this site. I personally know of two ladies that have joined families this last year. As always, Biblical Families desires to be of support to those in plural marriage and those seeking it.

Prayer and patience would be my best recommendations. The Lord has a plan for each family, just sometimes we have to be patient in seeing it unfold. :)

With hope for the future,
I met one family a long time ago that is on here. I know as a single girl, it's a lot different because pretty much anyone I meet on Biblical Families is married regardless of if we are interested in each other. I haven't honestly talked to many families about anything serious and I have never once said "ok we're gonna meet and see if we should get married" more like "sure, let's be friends first!" and if it might stay at that, it might not. I put that in God's hands.