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Baptism by fire and other things


New Member
Hi ladies,

Im a new member. I was actually referred by a friend that comes on here. I am always so hesitant to talk about myself because its seems, well, awkward. But i want to tell my story. So here goes.

I was baptised by fire to plural marriage. I "discovered" plural marriage about 6 yrs or so ago. I studied it on my own, read books, read scriptures, studied online, went online and talked to others. I prayed about it. I had this overwhelming testimony that i was to be a plural wife. I made the "mistake" of meeting the wrong family online and being courted by them. I put the words discovered and mistake in parenthesis because i really don't believe there are mistakes in life, i think every event that happens in our lives is put there by God to test our agency and to help us grow. Needless to say the courtship was a disaster. Most people would have gave up and said plural marriage is evil. Not me. I did take some time to recover from my experience. My heart was in a million pieces. Not only did i lose the friendship of the husband and the wife, but i lost the relationship i had building with their four children. To give you a heads up, the worst part of the whole ordeal was that the wife pretended to have a testimony of plural marriage when she didn't.

Fast forward a few years... I tried to live my life like i never knew plural marriage existed. I went to church every sunday, worked as a Sunday School Teacher, and tried to forget. But something inside me kept nagging at me. I had thrown out all the reminders of my past courtship to help me heal. Slowly i started to feel really dark inside. It took me awhile to get ahold of these dark feelings. But i realized that by choosing to disregard my testimony of plural marriage, i had also pulled away from God. I recalled how i felt when i was learning about plural marriage, how close i felt to the Spirit. I started studying my sciptures again with renewed interest. Slowly as i rediscovered my testimony of plural marriage i felt that light and joy in my heart again, God was reentering my life again and i could feel it.

I don't know that i will ever get the chance again to be courted by a family, but i have built a firm foundation to grow from. I feel even stronger now that i did before my courtship. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for my blessings, even if they are disguised as tears.
Starlit, thank you for sharing your story. I can't agree more that God doesn't waste anything that happens in our lives. If we allow it that is! It says a lot about your heart that you desire to learn and grow through the hard times. It isn't always about living in a plural family but about whether we are willing to have God show us a truth from his Word. I hope you will find a good community here, one that will be an encouragement and support to you as you journey down this path.

With hope for the future, Julieb