Greetings Eric and welcome!
You and your family have so many blessings in store for you as you grow in your knowledge and faith. The members here are a great sounding board to bounce ideas off, and a huge source of strength to lean on when times get tough. And, if I know the nature of our adversary, they will. :evil:
I suspect that your view of Jesus will not be well accepted by your Mormon bretheren, but stand firm on that one revelation and then build upon it. Be a seeker of the Truth in all things. Be dilligent in study, prayer and, above all, Grace! As you grow in your faith, you may encounter long held ideas and beliefs that you must either revise or relinquish in order to remain faithful to God's Truth. Letting go is hard sometimes. I know that it is for me because it implies that I was wrong to begin with and my Ego hates that. :lol:
Most of us here on BF are Christian or Messianic. With that being said, you will find that many view the Mormon faith as a false teaching. While we all hope to speak the Truth in love, please bear with us if we don't always agree or seem to harp. What is being said in most cases IS spoken in love but, being broken humans, we all can fall into the traps of legalism and pressuring. I do tend to see less of it here on this board than just about anywhere else though.
God may choose to use your dialog with those in your community to possibly bring about a great reformation and revival. I believe that the Mormon faith probably would have already had this take place if they were not forced to be so isolated. Most of our culture tends to disregard them based on the solitary issue of polygamy, regardless if they are FLDS or not.
The decriminalization of polygyny would be a great step forward. Without the need to hide their activities, the FLDS groups may feel more comfortable with outside dialogue. With that would come a measure of accountability that can put an end to the darker behaviors of the few who give polygamy such a negative image.
Again, welcome. Should you ever need someone to bounce an idea off or have need of prayer, several here are willing to answer the call. I know I am. May God abundantly bless you and your house.