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Believer from Europe


New Member
I'm a man from Europe. Have been interested in the idea of polygamy since I was a teen, but have not talked with many about it. I have not seen much polygamy families for real, only heard about one in my area. Around the same time I did hear about mennonites and the idea of head covering etc and is something I believe in since. But living in an environment where nothing of this exist feels not the best. I've been to US (and Canada (and Ireland)) a couple of times, visiting areas and churches with families using horse and buggy, and the woman did use head covering and some had plain dresses, but non of the families were polygamists. The church I belong to here are now a days, and been for a long time, more of a "music evenings", "coffee" and "cozy" church and less about evangelization, prayer and bible. Have not been to the church for a couple of years, but no one has called or comed by. The only thing I do now is my evening player.
Hi @Plain, and welcome to Biblical Families. I hope you find some encouragement in the threads and interacting with the people. Blessings
Organized religion is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Welcome! Glad you are here.
Shalom and welcome.