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Chris and Sierra Introduction


New Member
Our introduction may be a little bit different. So to start out, Sierra grew up in a Baptist home with missionary parents, and Christian became a Baptist around 16 from being given a Bible and taught by the one who gave it to him. Both of us went to college studying the Bible. Christian used to teach Bible studies while serving in the military, and even had training on philosophy in order to bring people to the Bible (in reality, it was to bring antheists to Theism to start). We went through several phases of studying and groups of denominations. Mainly because our studies led us away from those around us, not by choice but because we were rejected for rejected their theologies even while trying to maintain our friendships. Christian’s best friend even screamed at him (oddly, out character) because we believe the Torah should still be followed. Years went on and one issue that always bothered us was the Diety of Jesus and the narratives of the New Testament. Long story short, we follow the Old Testament only now, but we are not Jewish as we are against Talmud, and we are not “Noahide” as that is anti-Torah. We have been told that people have never met someone like us, but truth be told there are a few of us. We aren’t on here to “convert” anyone, nor do we believe in converting anyone as each is required to make their own decisions. We also don’t argue, but rather we enjoy and love the life the Creator has given us. We love to see the perspectives others have on the topics presented on this website, mainly polygyny. We happen to agree with that, however we don’t currently have a third to our marriage. I’m sure if it is meant to be, it will happen, and we are intentional about it as we both see the benefits on all sides. Please feel free to reach out to us, comment, or just chat in general! We are 28 and 32 with 4 very young children. We are very health minded, love the outdoors, believe in cleanliness, and love spending time together as a family whether home or going on a vacation!
Our introduction may be a little bit different. So to start out, Sierra grew up in a Baptist home with missionary parents, and Christian became a Baptist around 16 from being given a Bible and taught by the one who gave it to him. Both of us went to college studying the Bible. Christian used to teach Bible studies while serving in the military, and even had training on philosophy in order to bring people to the Bible (in reality, it was to bring antheists to Theism to start). We went through several phases of studying and groups of denominations. Mainly because our studies led us away from those around us, not by choice but because we were rejected for rejected their theologies even while trying to maintain our friendships. Christian’s best friend even screamed at him (oddly, out character) because we believe the Torah should still be followed. Years went on and one issue that always bothered us was the Diety of Jesus and the narratives of the New Testament. Long story short, we follow the Old Testament only now, but we are not Jewish as we are against Talmud, and we are not “Noahide” as that is anti-Torah. We have been told that people have never met someone like us, but truth be told there are a few of us. We aren’t on here to “convert” anyone, nor do we believe in converting anyone as each is required to make their own decisions. We also don’t argue, but rather we enjoy and love the life the Creator has given us. We love to see the perspectives others have on the topics presented on this website, mainly polygyny. We happen to agree with that, however we don’t currently have a third to our marriage. I’m sure if it is meant to be, it will happen, and we are intentional about it as we both see the benefits on all sides. Please feel free to reach out to us, comment, or just chat in general! We are 28 and 32 with 4 very young children. We are very health minded, love the outdoors, believe in cleanliness, and love spending time together as a family whether home or going on a vacation!

Welcome to the party
Our introduction may be a little bit different. So to start out, Sierra grew up in a Baptist home with missionary parents, and Christian became a Baptist around 16 from being given a Bible and taught by the one who gave it to him. Both of us went to college studying the Bible. Christian used to teach Bible studies while serving in the military, and even had training on philosophy in order to bring people to the Bible (in reality, it was to bring antheists to Theism to start). We went through several phases of studying and groups of denominations. Mainly because our studies led us away from those around us, not by choice but because we were rejected for rejecting their theologies even while trying to maintain our friendships. Christian’s best friend even screamed at him (oddly, out of character) because we believe the Torah should still be followed. Years went on and one issue that always bothered us was the Diety of Jesus and the narratives of the New Testament. Long story short, we follow the Old Testament only now, but we are not Jewish as we are against Talmud, and we are not “Noahide” as that is anti-Torah. We have been told that people have never met someone like us, but truth be told there are a few of us. We aren’t on here to “convert” anyone, nor do we believe in converting anyone as each is required to make their own decisions. We also don’t argue, but rather we enjoy and love the life the Creator has given us. We love to see the perspectives others have on the topics presented on this website, mainly polygyny. We happen to agree with that, however we don’t currently have a third to our marriage. We are sure if it is meant to be, it will happen, and we are intentional about it as we both see the benefits on all sides. Please feel free to reach out to us, comment, or just chat in general! We are 28 and 32 with 4 very young children. We are very health minded, love the outdoors, believe in cleanliness, and love spending time together as a family whether home or going on a vacation!

This is an edit to the original as auto correct “fixed” some of it.
I would recommend that you have separate accounts due to the fact that there are male/female specific areas on this site.
Your thoughts on the NT vs OT sounds interesting, there are a lot of variations of understanding in this group
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome aboard! ;)
Shalom and welcome!