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Did You Watch Sister Wives on TLC???


I just wanted to get any opinions on the new show!

I am currently watching it and encouraged some single friends of mine that I have discussed Plural Marriage with to watch it. I think this is VERY eye opening!
I taped it and watched it this morning. I enjoyed it and haved saved the recording for hubby to watch later. I realize I'm about to compare fiction to this real life story, but after seeing only a few episodes of "Big Love" I liked this show with real people much better. This guy reminded me alot of my husband and the way he treated my cousin who was slated to be the second wife. I plan to watch regularly. I really liked the idea of all the apartments under one roof, the seperate spaces.
My husband and I watched it and really liked it. All the children growing up together from the start with all the moms was a very good thing. We are wondering how it is going to turn out with the new mom and children. We also liked their home--good arrangement.
I thought it was really well done. I hope it will continue to talk more of the practical issues rather than the faith issues. I was a bit surprised to learn that all four ladies have grown up in a polygamist family. It does have its advantages that they knew what to expect when joining the family. We, as Christian Polygynist, don't have that benefit yet.

I also thought that it was interesting that he married his first three wives BEFORE he had children with any of them. Just interesting to me....It is great that the kids all grew up with all three wives. They seem like a really good family. I hope that won't change as the season goes on.

I agree Julie! I hope they do foucs more on the family dianamics vs. faith basis. I mean I have nothing against them sharing that they believe this is what God had planned for them I just feel like more people need to know that FLDS Mormons are not the only people who believe In Plural marriage and live/support it.

For those of us who are open to living it on a daily basis but are waiting it is encouraging as it shows us some of the challenges and advantages. :D
I watched it with my family! I was so excited about this show, but I also hope there would be a Christian side of polygyny presented to the public. But it was so great to see the way the family interacted with each other! It seemed so positive, so natural. I can't wait to watch the future episodes!

Did you all hear that the family was being prosecuted against for bigamy after the pilot episode? I was frustrated and disappointed when I heard that (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162- ... 04083.html). I do hope that the family will not be discouraged and continue the show.
I did watch, and enjoyed it. I love how although they are FLDS in belief, they are modern in their appearance. That right there goes a long way to break down the barriers of the stereotype.
I'm new here, but thought I would chime in...
It's funny that a few days after I realized that polygamy was not a sin that I read online that TLC was going to have a show with polygamists!! I've watched it a couple of times and notice different things each time. I identify with Meri the most because she deals with jealousy issues and I can see that being something I will have to seek the Lord's help with. I'm not sure how I feel about the courting thing. Seems very strange to me. Did anyone else notice how well behaved and "together" the kids were??

My husband and I watched the show with other members of our fellowship. I was impressed to see how well-coordinated and cooperative all the wives are with each other. I am really interested to see what happens when the 4th wife enters the family.
Hi everyone,

I really like this show and honestly I did not think that I would in the begining. I am really liking how they are showing some of the family dynamics. I am really new to the lifestyle but I believe in plural marriage and believe that we know that God designed it for the family.

I really like the show. We very much look forward to the new episodes.

It seems to me the main goal of the family and the show is to put a friendly face on polygamy and challenge the FLDS style stereotype. In this I believe the show to be wildly successful. I believe this was a courageous act that will benefit all polygamists.

The only drawback in the show I believe is that it could be more detailed. It seems to me that there is a lot that they are not saying. How do the finances really work? How did they pay for the hospital visit? Is she on work insurance, or do they buy insurance on the open market or do they just pay cash?
Lots of things like that.

Also the show has too few episodes. I do hope there will be more episodes in the future.
As it has already been stated, there are certainly issues with the Mormon ideology in this show.

However, the exposure to the idea is helpful as it helps to place into the culture through the medium of visual entertainment the idea that will be an aid to breaking down the strong animosity towards this lifestyle.

In other words, it is desensitizing the people from such a strong and harsh reaction to it. It is building in the brain the connectors that I talk about in the article on why people get so mad about this subject. Those connectors will expand to some degree and thus make it a less hot topic at some point one day even if a person individually does not embrace the idea he or she will likely grant liberty on it.

Uh oh...sorry ladies...I just realized this is in the ladies only forum....my bad.....I saw cynstrom's picture/post and did not realize we were in this forum......leaving now :lol:
Hi all/..

I love the show. I really wish the family was a regular family and not up in Utah. Why? Although it brings the concept out of the closet, it puts it on the shelf of.. well that's them. You know THEM in Utah. But it was nice that the family wasn't a complete fringe family (completely alternative lifestyle), just regular on the visible surface.

I'm a separate house kinda person but their home was nice.

Speaking of which..that leads me to a question I want to ask.

Blessings all
I have watched every episode. At first I liked it but now after the 'Honeymoon' show, I have changed my mind. I got so upset at the way Kody and Robin seemed so wrapped up in themselves it made me cry. He gave her a grand vacation while his whole family got to stay home. I think it would have been much better if he and new wife had had the 3 or 4 days as the other wives had and then invited the rest of the family to join them on a 'family' vacation. After all it is about 'the whole family' isn't it? I also have noticed that there seems to be very little interaction between the kids and their dad. That seems very sad to me. Over all it seems to me that I see a lot of tears on this show. I don't think I'm going to continue watching the way Kody blows off his wives feelings and doesn't seem to relate at all to the kids.
We have watched the show several times and really enjoy it. Personally SW and myself think Kody is a bit full of himself/arrogant at times (a 2-seater sports car with 15 kids? Really!?) but we do see some of the same issues we've struggled with in their family. For example, at times there have been struggles with jealousy and hubby admits, just like Kody, this type of relationship forces a man to be a hypocrite in some ways..like, DH would FREAK OUT if another man touched either one of us, but we have to deal with that all the time..just the way this relationship works. I do appreciate that TLC has put this family on the air..hopefully this will be the start of much more acceptance of polygamous families.
Oh..and just as donnag said, SW and I thought an 11 day honeymoon for Robyn and Kody was RIDICULOUS and completely thoughtless of his other wives!!! Let's just say, he should be glad he's not married to me!! LOL :lol:
I love this show! If you didn't know Mormon theology, there would be nothing that I would object to, except some of the food! ;) I feel that people who believe in plural marriage have been given a real opportunity to see how folks who have been at it awhile function and get through the stuff that just shows up as a result of our flesh being what it is.

I also like how they genuinely like and love each other, and are just regular folks. I now feel that I can say to antagonists, "Hey, watch the first season of Sister Wives, and then we'll talk..."
Is the show on line anywhere? I have seen the first and third episodes, but haven't found the rest. I don't have tv and don't have any friends who have TV that I could invite myself over to watch it with.

I was showing SW the episodes online on TLC.discovery.com

at least I think thats it. I didn't agree with the 11 day honeymoon either. I didn't get a honeymooon... we were poor kids when we got married! LOL But we are going to renew our vows on our 15th anniversary in 2 years! :D
I am new here also, and I recently became interested in polygamy because of the this show!! I think it is a great way to inteoduce the world to this way of life. At first I just wanted to see what this was all about then I realized I really liked this show alot and how it helps every person focus on them selfs and God more than just the other person as in a monogomus relationship.
I see the ladies in this show as really lucky to live like this for many reasons. They get to pull together to raise there kids and really depend on each other. They also get to really focus on there insecurities of there relationships and over come them making them stronger individuals. For example Meri has some insecurities and some jealousies and I can see her struggle with it and I also see her trying to over come it and bringing it to GOD Its beautiful really !!!