As the out-of-the-closet-been-in-recovery-from-feminism-for-40-years-"older-woman" (Oy!!) in our Bib fam crew
, there is no topic that has served to drive me more quickly and firmly to the horns of the altar and the throne of Grace than submission. I have been in every ditch possible, ranging from a sort of charismatic Stepford Wife approach, to Dirty Harry's "Go ahead, make my day," especially when I was a single Jewish mother bear. :!: I would not be at all surprised if my guardian angels have PTSD and are needing counseling from wrestling with me as I have wrestled with this topic, which I have made one of my "babies," if you will, in the Word of God.
I am also very aware that some of the purpose of God's Word is to get us to grapple with, and then cave into, the Author, and "walking with a halt" after having been "smitten in the thigh" indeed gives us wings to soar and see the view from 30,000 feet. In other words, much of submission has comparatively little to do with our hubs and waaaaay more to do with our Father and our Beloved.
So, for the sake of this post, there are three things that I have found to be helpful that I want to briefly toss into the ring. First, re: whether or not a woman can really grow into submission if her husband doesn't "get it," may I commend to you the example of Abigail. Not exactly a situation where she and not-so-dear-hubby Nabal were working through Beth Moore's "To Live Is Christ," and praying together. Yet, because of her submissive life
before YHWH she not only saved several lives, but the whole discourse begins in I Sam 25 with her being described as not only being beautiful,
but being of good understanding.
Point 2: Not-so-nice-Nabal put Abigail (whose name in Hebrew means
' father or
source of joy' into a position where she was CONSTANTLY having to rely on YHWH for wisdom, which we know He loves to give, and please note that wisdom is sweetly personified in scripture by our perfect Master as a woman. So, Nabal really did her a favor, and so does anyone, husband or otherwise who is in authority in our lives, (or even presumptuous, out-of-line authority, for that matter,) when their Guiness Book of Records undisputed King or Queen of Aggravation status drives us to God.
Point 3: If you look at the II Pet 3 discourse on women and submission, you need to understand that contextually God is requiring the toughest thing possible of three groups of people: slaves, wives, and husbands. If you just start with the admonition to women, you won't get it.
Slaves are being required to follow Christ's example and find out how to walk that out with horrible masters. Wives are shown that trust and obedience are powerful weapons with powerful consequences, the least of which is becoming more beautiful (like Abigail!)
And husbands are being shown that while loving an impossible woman and finding out, (as Yeshua gives the strategy to do so) just what in the world it means to "dwell with her according to knowledge" is the most difficult, unfair thing imaginable, but the result is a fast track to answered prayer.
Bottom line, there ain't no free lunch for anyone, and as women, we have to "go there" even when it seems no one else does and worse, when it appears that they get away with it. :lol: