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Feeling betrayed


New Member
I feel a little betrayed because I moved a long way from home and gave up my family for them and their family and last night she got upset and is now saying she can't do this and she is leaving until I leave. They have 5 children that I care for deeply and I feel like my heart has been ripped out from my chest and like I can't do anything to fix this one and I just am not a give up and fail kinda person.
Oh dear, I am very sorry to hear that. I can understand why you are feeling betrayed. Only thing to do is to pray. Pray that God will speak to her heart and pray that he will help to guide her husband as he speaks with her.

I will be praying for you all and hope that things improve.
I am sad to hear things are difficult right now. I will be praying for the family and you to find the answers that you need at this time. I will especially pray for the husband. He really is the key to making this work, he must lead when emotions are high. Please PM me if you would like to talk, I would love to be a listening ear if nothing else. If not me, then I hope you will talk with someone you trust.

With hope for the future
Well I wanted to let you all know she did come home and we did talk and things have been worked out. I am praying that when we evaluate things in the future that some of the kinks have been worked out.
I understand feeling hurt in this kind of situation, but try not to see it as a betrayal. It could very well be that when you joined them, the FW had every intention of things working out and this being her path in life. Unfortunately, it is not until we are living in it 110% that we realize, maybe we were wrong and we do not have what it takes to commit to the path in front of us. I know that makes things hard for the SW, but I assure you, it is just as (if not harder) on the FW in these cases as she will often feel like a failure or like she has let everyone down. I hate it when these kinds of stories come up and everyone seems to run to the aid of the SW and villian-ize the FW. Not that anyone is doing that in this situation..Just saying that it is hard and sad, but try to go easy on the FW. Very rarely is she someone that has set all this up on purpose just to destroy the others involved. I pray that everything works out for you guys. PM can be such a blessing.
Okay well I am not villianizing her one bit. I love her and would do anything for her. We are mainly having issues because of the things that he has done in the past that make her feel insecure. I actually went as far as asking her what I can do to make her feel safe and secure and know that I am not here to take away from her but to help and be an added blessing to her life? It seems to have gone a long way and we had all made up by Sunday Morning and have been doing well since. I appreciate all of your prayers and she and I are learning to co-exsist as two completely different individuals and he said that is his attraction to me is because she and I are so different. She is also being more communicative with me than she has in weeks. I am very hopeful that all will right itself.
I am glad to hear that things have improved. I hope that this was a good learning experience for you all, and you can grow from it, learning best how to communicate with each other in the future.
Well she basically verbally attacked me this morning and I have had enough I went to class this morning and have decided to move in with one of my classmates. I am hoping to be able to refocus on my studies at Marshall since I have failed two test with all the drama she has created.
I just came across this again and thought I would see how you are doing...are you still separated from the family? How is school?