Itsoktobesingle said:
Hi Founder,
I believe that I share your views on these pro life issues. I have been searching and researching a while on these topics. One document I love is the pope's Encyclical "Humanae Vitae" although it espouses NFP of which I am a fan only in the sense that it helps women and girls learn more about how their bodies work and take care of their health. I recently read a book I borrowed called "Birth Control and the Bible" now I can't remember the title. it is a short booklet but amazing and has lots of quotes by John Calvin and others that show what the reformers and even early churhc fathers thought about this issue. This topic is fascinating historically and spiritually as well. I think birth control is more socially ingrained than monogamy! I will find that book on amazon or somethign and get u a link, ok?
Great to hear your quite informed views on the most important subject of all to me. We can have all the wives in the world in loving relationships, but if they are not not having the children that God wants, and that we need, then all is in vain. I'm worried that my views that drill down to this sort of bedrock will not be received with the love and good will that I intend them. I would love to get a reference to this book you remember. Heritage and FRC has jointly put out a Video called Demographic Winter. It is a dynamite teaching tool on this subject. Let me know in what way I can be of help to you. I have written extensively this subject, even more than I have researched and written on PM. I, like God, want to see the fruit of what any of us do, or don't do, and evaluate that fruit as to its quality, otherwise we become buried in a swamp of sterile and fruitless legalisms.