G'day from Australia. I have enjoyed reading the posts on here for a few months now and thought I might add a few of my own. In my country the only public discussion of polygamy that I am aware of, occurs in connection with the social practices of Muslim immigrants. There is zero concept in public thought of polygamy outside Islam. Religion in Australia is usually a private matter, whereas from a distance it appears religion in the USA is of much greater public concern. Of course the usual attempts towards legalisation of homosexual marriage are occurring; and public perception is that gay partnerships are fine. But I am pretty sure that polygamy would be perceived by the general public as 1. Outrageous Muslim behaviour that does not belong in this country, 2. An attempt at welfare fraud or 3. Religious nutters. Please note I am simply reporting on what I think public perception would be, not stating my personal opinion. In practice polygamy is ocasionally visible, if you know what you are looking for. Just the other day I noticed a family of Middle Eastern origin at the local shopping centre with one man, three women, and young children being passed around with obvious practice.