New Member
Hi, my name is Shannon and I am from the Houston area. I am not currently in a plural marriage but I am married and the mother of five. Three of my children are in their 20's and I have two small children at home. Plural marriage has ALWAYS been a burning ember in my heart. I fully believe that love has no bounds and that a person can love fully more than one person at a time. Afterall, a Mother loves each and every one of her children with no limits on her love for them. I have come to a place in my life where I just cannot sit back and let that ever so strong pull from my Lord be ignored. I have told my husband that I FULLY know that the Lord has laid this upon my heart and it has done nothing but get stronger and stronger. I just don't know how to proceed, I have Faith that the Lord will guide me on this journey. I am so happy that I have found ya'll for support and information