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Hi! I'm back :)


Real Person
I just wanted to say hi, since I haven't been on here in quite a long time.

Well, I pretty much had to wander about in the wilderness for a couple of years. Trying to be supportive of plural marriage for everyone else, but avoiding it for my own life. All the while it consumed me. I spent a lot of time trying to convince Paul and God that it just wouldn't work for us and I just wasn't a good enough, kind enough, giving enough person to be able to handle plural life gracefully. I was really just living in fear of being hurt or taken advantage of. That fear was the opposite of trusting the Holy One and ultimately became the god in control of my life. I'm ready to be ok now. My life is not my own. I cried out to the Lord and He delivered me of all my fears, as the psalmist exclaims. I was even afraid of being delivered of my fears, because that meant to me that I would have to go through it and be hurt, neglected and taken advantage of. Left out.

I finally got to the point that my compassion for single women resurfaced and I knew that I would not keep anything from someone in need that I had an abundance of. I could do it for another woman, but I still hoped that God wouldn't make me do it. The thought of Paul WANTING another wife angered me. He has not shown any interest in looking for another wife, but knowing that he could change his mind at any moment scared me. At the same time, I experienced overwhelming guilt for my single friends (whom I've been avoiding, too). Two in particular are some of the absolute nicest people I have ever been blessed to know and I couldn't stand that they were alone when I had been given a wonderful man. Thinking about it, even thinking about it in positive ways, always led to compulsively thinking about every possible senario and just got to be too much. So it was just all easier to avoid and Paul and I usually fought when the subject of plural marriage was brought up in any way.

I have spent the last three months coming out of that wilderness. I fully surrendered my life to the Lord's perfect will and to Paul. I came to realize that I don't need to think about it at all, just let Paul and God handle it. It will work out for the best and I don't have any fear. I don't need to fear. Besides the fact that it's sin, it is unnecessary when I have God and Paul who love me so much.

That's another thing. I am aware now of how deep Paul's love for me really is. I know for certain that he does not want to go into anything that would intentionally harm me. I know that he wants to provide the best life and friendship for me, from himself and anyone else that he would bring into our family. It probably sounds arrogant, but he says he doesn't think he could fully love another woman if she did not love me as well. It's pretty much more important to him that she and I would love each other than he and she. How could he not love a woman who is as great of a friend to me as he is? And how could I not share a wonderful, God-following man with a friend whom I love so much? I couldn't see this love from him until I abandoned my own will and rejected the fear. While I was in fear, I thought it was all manipulation and that he would do whatever he wanted on impulse and I would be left out in some way. I put off my fear of being left out and now my heart is hopful and joyful that there could be someone who would be best friends to us both and that we could reciprocate that love to.

I really did just mean to say hi and not give a whole testamony. Maybe this was theraputic for me in a way. It's nice to be real and the exposure to my heart feels good. I know it's been a rough journey for me, the last 5 years since I read about plural marriage in the Bible up until now, but I am very thankful for all of my learning experiences. I am very thankful and I am loved.
Welcome back, DeeAnn! Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. Fear, indeed, is a powerful thing. I am so proud of you and the way you have pushed thru such difficult things. I can't help think of how glorious your heart is now that it is free! To God be the glory for always having compassion and everlasting love for us...but for the grace of God would we all be entrenched in our sin and fear.

Goodness me, I sound like a sound bite for some TV evanglist show! Sorry, but that is what I was feeling and thinking after reading your wonderful story. I look forward to hearing more of what the Lord is doing in your life...so that I might have hope for mine! :D

With hope for the future,
Indeed, thank you, Dee Ann for that beautiful and heart-wrenching testimony of the often painful growing process we must endure to reap the blessings God wants us to enjoy. Just as we gain stretch marks from physical growth, and endure growing pains in our bones and muscles, we also have a certain amount of pain and stretching to do in our spiritual growth as well. Now that you have wrestled with the Lord as Jacob did, and finally submitted, just keep letting Him bless you and keep asking Him to grow your heart in preparation for those awesome blessings. If and when plural marriage takes place in your family, the Lord's infinite grace and wisdom will take your breath away. He is going to take you somewhere, so just sit back and enjoy the ride-- stop asking, "are we there yet?" :lol:
What wonderful news to read on my anniversary! While Tim is driving somewhere in Alabama I get to read what a wonderful happening for you. God works so many ways to bring our heart completely to Him. You shared your heart and mine feels better! I love you girl and I know you will have more love heading to you because you love God more than anyone or anything. WOW. Thanks for your heart! Stephanie
Welcome back DeeAnn.

Hi DeeAnn,
Thanks for sharing what God's doing in your heart.
Keeping you in prayer,
Kelly Deanne :)
I am glad you are here! What you have been through sounds like what I am going through now - indeed, what I have been going through for about 3 years now. I had no idea I was signing up to be in a plural marriage when I married Steven. I swing back and forth between trying to be supportive and involved to having anxiety attacks and spiraling into depression. I am still of the belief that I am not built to live PM, but I also believe I am not to leave my husband and to work very hard and being a godly, loving and calming influence on our house even if it should change so drastically. Nonetheless, I don't have control over depression, so I don't know how one "pushes" through something like that. But only someone that has been clinically depressed can understand that.

I am very glad you have come to a place that gives you peace and I hope that peace continues as the hour approaches.

God bless.
Thanks to all of you, ladies! I appreciate your love and I know that some have you have prayed for me and listened to me over these years. I am grateful that you all rejoice with me.

Please pray for me today. I have plans to meet with my single friend this afternoon for coffee. We haven't seen each other much that last few years, so we have a lot to catch up on, regardless of plural marriage. I don't plan to tell her about our knowledge of this biblical truth, but I don't intend to avoid it either if that's where the conversation goes. Please pray for the Lord's guidance and that His will be done. I have prayed for her to receive a wonderful, God-fearing husband for the past 11 years. I don't even know if she realizes that. I know beyond any of my imaginations or doubts that I would gladly offer her my husband to share, rather than see her alone anymore. IF that's what she wants, of course, and what God wants. Also, our house is not ready to accomodate another person, even though our hearts are. My God is amazing and I know He can work it all out if it's His desire for her to be in our family, I just don't know when or how, and I don't need to know.

I am asking the Lord to guide our conversation and that I can bless her in some way today. I have no plan of what to say or not say. Please ask that His perfect will be done. I trust Him. I just don't know if I trust myself. I cannot even describe how beautiful she is, inside and out, and I don't want to fear loosing her friendship because of our devotion to God's Word in this area. Even if I tell her and she rejects it, that is in the hands of the Almighty.
I hope all went well. Waiting to hear from you again!
Hi DeeAnn...your testamony is so moving, and it is great to see what you have gone through and how you have grown. You are an amazing person and I was so impressed when I met you by what an awesome mother and wife you are! I told my husband that I wish I was half the woman you are! You set such a good and strong example for other moms and wives, and I am so happy I got the privilege to meet you.