• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hi...ready to meet new people! :)


New Member
Hey...well my name is Lisa, I'm new of course, and a little bit about me...well I'm 26 years old, from Houston, TX area, I am married, I have a 16 month old baby girl who is my whole world, I was born and raised LDS, from which God and his word are still an important part of my life. I'm not eactly looking to participate in polygamy at the moment, but as LDS I have always been interested in the topic and relize I may one day be called to practice it. I wanna meet some polygamist families though and get to know em. I am on facebook if any of yall are... my facebook address is: http://facebook.com/tweetythomasson so feel free to add me! :) I'm happy to be here! and hope to get to know alot of yall.
Hi Lisa, Welcome to the board. My wife and I are Mormons in Australia, it is nice to see someone else of the Mormon persuation around here. The folks on this board are great so I am sure you will enjoy your time here. Feel free to say hi any time you want!

God Bless,

Welcome Lisarp03!

I pray you find answers to your questions, friends to support your search/journey and God's grace and wisdom to know the TRUTH about God and PM!

God Bless you!
welcome, lisa
may you find friends and inspiration on this board
Welcome, Lisa! I hope you will find much wisdom on this site. We have a lot of great memebers. Looking forward to getting to know you and your husband.

His Blessings,

When I talked to LDS missionaries they were very insistent that polygyny was allowed in the past by God, but upon revelation of a LDS prophet God has recently forbidden it.

All those who choose to practice polygyny after this revelation are in violation of God's newest degrees and automatically excommunitacted from LDS according to these missionaries.

And also only those wearing the special nametag's are missionaries from the one true LDS Church, that is how you can know that they are the one true apostolic Church not the other LDS that practice polygyny.

So you must be baptized by the LDS that do not practice polygyny in order to complete the 5 steps to salvation, otherwise you will be baptized by the improper authority according to them and if you knowingly do this, it will be bad when you die, like really bad according to them.

I assume you are part of the LDS that this other LDS group has excommunicated

I mean nothing rude by all this. It is a matter of clarification.
LDS don't currently practice it, and this may be something missionaries who go looking for new members probably do avoid in telling potential members...but mormons very well believe in the practice of polygamy. It is indocrinated in their very own sciptures in D&C 132. They don't practice it. That's true, but as a young teenager when I first heard of our polygamist hitory I remember asking why God would command something then and not now (which I was thankful for, because I didn't wanna practice polygamy), and remember being told that the church did cease to practice polygamy on this earth, but does expect to continue the practice in the afterlife. That is why when a married woman dies, a man can mrry another woman in the mormon temple for all time and eternity, and he will have 2, 3, or 4 or however many wives he outlives and marries in the temple in heaven and they will all be his wives in heaven...but a woman can only marry one man in the temple for all time and eternity. So if she outlives her husband, she can remarry, but not in the temple and for time and all eternity...she can only marry til death do them part. In heaven she will only have one husband. These are beliefs you probably won't hear from the missionaries. I guess they save these beliefs for when the member actually gains a testimony of the church.

To answer your question though, no I have not been excommunicated. I am still a full member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I don't practice polygamy because the church doesn't...but I do expect for it to ressume in the afterlife, which is what brings me here. I wanna be prepared for it, including meeting people who live this way now...
Hello Lisa,
I want to add my welcome! I hope you enjoy the forums. I hope you find new friends and ideas. Please note that this site is called "Biblical Families". While we have many different views discussed here, we do look to the Bible as our authority. I, for one, have several LDS friends and we may enjoy a measure of fellowship, but we do differ on several Biblical issues. Here we will appeal to logic, reason, even history, but always the Bible. LDS history and books do not carry the same weight of authority as does the Bible. I trust your horizons will expand to new reaches.

John Whitten
Pastor John is right on the money. This group is focused on the Bible and it's aspectsof polygamy. I respect that focus and I keep my beliefs to myself, by and large. Don't want to step on any toes.

I'm LDS as well. Not excommunicated, yet. I differ with you in that I think we need to practicing it right now. As I have studied more and more, I realize that the manifesto of 1890 is misunderstood by our leaders these days. Elder John Taylor(President John Taylor's son) did not and I think his interpretation was much more correct. Anyways, I am not here to debate Mormon Polygamy, but feel free to message me.
lisarp03 said:
I don't practice polygamy because the church doesn't

I kind of assumed you wanted to marry (an) extra woman/women? (Because you are on this site)

So if multiple women proposed to you, you would still choose to practice monogamy?
John Whitten said:
Hello Lisa,
LDS history and books do not carry the same weight of authority as does the Bible. I trust your horizons will expand to new reaches.

John Whitten

Are you saying that the book of Mormon is less authoritative than the Bible?

How could one testament of Jesus Christ be less authoritative than another?

Isn't the important thing what Jesus really said, not what book it is written in?
Dear DTT,

Are you saying that the book of Mormon is less authoritative than the Bible?
Yes, that is what I am saying. Although, I know my LDS friends would disagree with me on that. I would truly be remiss in my duty to my Lord to compromise my conviction on this matter. The book of Mormon is not compatible with the Bible.

How could one testament of Jesus Christ be less authoritative than another?
The question is whether all testaments are genuine or not. I am persuaded by the Word of God (the Bible) that the canon of scripture is closed. This is also the historic Christian position. I do not mean to be uncharitable, but I am compelled to say that the book of Mormon is a spurious book and is not in the same class as the Bible.I understand that many people on this forum are LDS or associated in some way. I respect your right to believe differently than I.

Isn't the important thing what Jesus really said, not what book it is written in?
Knowing what Jesus said is determined by the veracity of the recorded source. If the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus represented in the Book of Mormon say the same thing and are represented as being the same, then your question could be answered yes. If they are not the same, then I must accept the Jesus of the Bible and reject the Book of Mormon and it's Jesus.

There are many religious points of view presented on this forum and I really do not want to offend anyone or alienate anyone. We have a common ground of interest among us, Biblical marriage. Biblical marriage depends on the Bible for it's foundation. I pray we can all operate on that foundation.
John Whitten said:
The question is whether all testaments are genuine or not. I am persuaded by the Word of God (the Bible) that the canon of scripture is closed.


I honestly don't know so can you explain what evidence is there for this belief or is it just a matter of faith?
Well I'm sorry. I was only addressing the issue of only fundamentalist Mormons believing in Polygamy when clearly the mainstream LDS believe in it as it is written in their scriptures, and in a more discrete fashion still practice it today (through their temples). Alot of people don't realize that about the mainstream LDS. Since I do know most people on here believe only the bible to be the word of god, why would I try to promote and reference the BofM and D&C to people who could care less (even though you can never have too many books that teach of Christ and his teachings, in my opinion). I'd just be wasting my breath. So I do want to clarify that, that was never my intention. I may be blond but I do know that biblical refers to the bible, and that I intend to discuss all things pertaining to the bible, and if I wish to discuss things pertaining to the Bible, BofM and D&C I know that I'd be ever so welcome at LDS.Net. So please, don't insult my intelligence...
Hello Lisa,

Welcome Lisa. We are so glad you have made your way to us here. And furthermore, we look forward to getting to know you and your husband as we discuss the differences of our particular faith views. I in particular love to interact with people of differing faiths outside of Christianity.

Dr. Allen
Isabella said:
John Whitten said:
The question is whether all testaments are genuine or not. I am persuaded by the Word of God (the Bible) that the canon of scripture is closed.


I honestly don't know so can you explain what evidence is there for this belief or is it just a matter of faith?


Are you ready to read the work I have been mentioned to you, "Evidence that Demands a Verdict"? If you truly are interested it will indeed explain in precise detail why we can scientifically prove the accuracy and authenticity of the book we call the bible. Just let me know when you are ready to examine the evidence and I'll be glad to look at it with you.

I've yet to see anyone who is truly curious not be challenged to their core when taking an honest look at the massive amounts of evidence we do have in favor of the Christian Bible in comparison to all other ancient documents. There is actually more evidence to support the Bible's historicity, accuracy, and authenticity than there is for the historical life of any American President to ever live. So it is not just faith, it is history, and testable data that is an enormous amount of evidence that leads to the verification of the faith. In philosophical language it is thus labeled: "verificationism." The faith which we profess can stand the test of historical scrutiny stronger than any other other faith among all faiths.

As the great Harvard legal scholar Simon Greenleaf said, if the testimony and claims of Christianity are examined by the same rules of evidence that we use to determine truth in courtrooms than it is beyond any reasonable doubt that Christianity stands true to its own claims.

Whenever you are ready to dig into such a search let me know and I'll go along with you in your journey of examining the evidence.

Dr. Allen