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home church?


New Member
Blessings ladies! I'm curious how many of you out there worship at home. My husband and first wife are being excommunicated from the LDS because of our family. I'm looking for insight and encouragement! I had mentioned something to hubby last night about Messianic Judaism. Kinda wanting to look into that, too.

Thank you all for your friendship


I think you are going to find your spirit truly blessed by Messianic Judaism! I know many Jewish family's who have discovered the Messiah and have become some of the most devout Christians I've ever known. I know there are several here on this site who have home churches as well.

My DH and I have made a promise to each other that if we feel the slightest calling from the Holy Spirit to begin a home church in our home we will. :) I attended a home church years ago while I was growing up because that family was a Poly family. My great great grandfather was married to 12 women and my great great grandmother was his 3rd...Back then they all had one last name and didn't need marriage licenses! lol

May God Bless your family in this time!