Shalom. I am 50. I was married to the most wonderful husband ever! He was kind and patient and loving. Last November Yah called Jodi by name. He went home. Now I don't know how I am supposed to act or feel. I don't feel like a widow. I guess I don't really know what that is supposed to look like. Thank you in advance for your condolences. Everyone tells me how sorry they are and I do appreciate the support. I would like to be clear that my husband was very sick. He had instage renal failure. He was type 1 diabetic and had had a stroke. He couldn't speak or walk. I miss him every day but when I think about the fact that he doesn't have any more pain. He has no more sickness and no more disease. I am so secure in the knowledge that he is at peace. I guess my question is how do I move on with the rest of my life? I loved being married. I also beleive that every woman needs a covering. I feel out of sync with everything. How long is appropriate to mourn? What do I do without a covering? I will follow where Yah leads me. No matter what, I believe obedience to Yah is my first priority. Advice is welcome. WI would love to hear yalls thoughts. Bless y'all!
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