I’m hoping
@Sparkles will get on here and answer this.
As a first wife—who wasn’t really on board with poly—I believe God made it pretty evident that
@Sparkles was supposed to join our family, in spite of my fears.
From the moment we became friends and she started hanging out with our family, she fit in perfectly. From her personality, her faith, just who she is... She liked doing the same things we did, believed the same things, and more than all that, she was ready to be a submissive wife to
The fact that she was incredibly unselfish when it came to our relationships. I can’t imagine another woman coming in and being only wrapped up in what her own desires are. Sparkles was just as concerned about my relationship with Isaac as she was her own. There’s not much more that has made me feel love for her than this.
Also, she loves me. Even when I was in the worst of it and probably not the best SW or friend. She came into this family for not just Isaac. She wanted the kids and me.
No family is perfect but I really think all of us, in this family, are perfect for each other. Besides my hatred of poly (due to my fears), I’ve never doubted that she would fit well into our house. I know people say this, probably too often... But, God wanted her in our family. It would be a book if I wrote out all the ways the He showed us. But, show us He did.
And that’s how we knew it’d be good for everyone. Because besides the fact that she just fit, personally; she was brought to us by God when Isaac wasn’t even looking or desiring another. There were no glaring red flags that anyone chose to ignore just for the sake of “more women”... There really wasn’t (and isn’t) much drama.
It’s so clichè to say but, I feel like you’ll know when you know.