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I didn't have to rewrite my fairytale.


New Member
I admit, I was worried when we first came to an uderstanding about plural marriage. I thought that I would have to rewrite my fairytale. The grand story of how the prince swims the oceans, leaps upon the mountians, scales the castle walls and of course, cooks me dinner(lol) in display of his love. I was afraid the prince would forget me, neglect me and eventualy abandon me. I soon found out that wasn't the case. He payed more attention to me, he showed more affection and strives even harder to be the husband God called him to be. Wow, he swims the ocean, leaps upon the mountains, scales the castle walls and yes, cooks me dinner. This new understanding did'nt cause me to rewrite my fairytale. It turned what used to be a mere fairytale into life. Husbands, advice from a sister in Christ, If we have to share a quantity of time make up for it with quality. If he works this hard now to make me feel secure then I can't wait to add to our family!
Re: I did'nt have to rewrite my fairytale.

Nice Post, Brooke.
Re: I did'nt have to rewrite my fairytale.

This has been so true in my life. I did have a fairytale marriage before God showed us the truth of PM. I was married to the most wonderful, loving, satisfying man I could have imagined. And I must say that I was very fearful of losing my Prince Charming when he took another wife.

The beautiful thing is that our marriage has only gotten better! Our love for each other is stronger than ever and I've watch him grow into an even more incredible husband. There's only one way that could have happened -- God's perfect will working in our lives!

What really amazes me is that the most of the world thinks that we are under the mans thumb. If they would really take a look at how our men treat us they would realize that we have the best husbands in the world. But until the world realize this we are the stupid women how let our men walk all over us. I pray that one day we won't have to stand up so much and yell that we have a say too.
cbv3123 said:
I admit, I was worried when we first came to an uderstanding about plural marriage. I thought that I would have to rewrite my fairytale. The grand story of how the prince swims the oceans, leaps upon the mountians, scales the castle walls and of course, cooks me dinner(lol) in display of his love. I was afraid the prince would forget me, neglect me and eventualy abandon me. I soon found out that wasn't the case. He payed more attention to me, he showed more affection and strives even harder to be the husband God called him to be. Wow, he swims the ocean, leaps upon the mountains, scales the castle walls and yes, cooks me dinner. This new understanding did'nt cause me to rewrite my fairytale. It turned what used to be a mere fairytale into life. Husbands, advice from a sister in Christ, If we have to share a quantity of time make up for it with quality. If he works this hard now to make me feel secure then I can't wait to add to our family!
Beautifully and thoughtfully put. I have you filed away under "Possibly the smartest person on this website."