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Introducing Pastor Larry


I was told several weeks ago there was an introduction section where I should tell about myself, and figured I would find it some day. Alas, today is that day but I have pretty much told my story in my several posts over those several weeks. But, perhaps I can throw up some kind of introduction here.

On the night of my one wedding I was told, "Oh no! Let's not do THAT tonight! I don't want us to think THAT is why we got married!" Wait a minute - THAT IS EXACTLY WHY I GOT MARRIED - I THOUGHT WE ALL GOT MARRIED FOR THAT REASON. But for the next 50 years our marriage followed HER idea of what marriage was. We actually had two children, but then that was enough so she had me get fixed so I could produce no more children. How Biblical is that? In fact, nothing about our marriage was Biblical, though she is probably the most Biblical woman I have ever known in EVERY respect except that one A wonderful woman of prayer, a wonderful Scripture reading woman. A wonderful moral woman for the most part. But though I have been a pastor these many years, it really didn't compute that I could have done something about it - or for that matter, should have done something about it. Every day of my life, yes - preceding marriage and up to today, I can scarcely think of anything else but that NEED. I doubt if that NEED ever goes away. I keep wondering what it would have been like to have a Scriptural wife.

My crying NEED however taught me more than she ever expected. I learned about God's answer to that NEED - marriage. Marriage to as many as were necessary to meeting all of that need. I always loved women, enjoyed being around them - they are so much more interesting, exciting (more than in the sexual sense), bubbly, cute, cuddly, etc. Not to mention they smell good too. God taught me about Polygamy because of my need. He showed me from His Holy Scriptures that Poly met the needs of many men and by Poly, no woman would be called upon to provide more than she thought she could.

Soooo, I introduced poly to my wife. I KNEW she would be excited to find the answer to our problem. Imagine my surprise when she was DISGUSTED by my findings and called me again what she had called me from our wedding night - a SEXAHOLIC. We drew further and further away from each other as a result of my discovery of poly. Finally, with me still talking about it, she divorced me (I know - not Scriptural, but the state accepted it). The beauty of this was that if she ever desired to marry again (what? why? huh?) she would have to come to me for what the Hebrews call a "put". She would have to ask me to put her away. She won't, but it doesn't matter anyway. So, I have been asking God for however many mates I need. I'm just 81 with a life expectancy of 120, so I can give women many years of happiness, RIGHT? But so far, God has not provided me any wife or wives and I keep asking Him. I don't want tio go outside of His will so I await His action on my behalf. If He does not provide I will be very disappointed. But I know I can withstand - I've done so for over 50 years. But I sure don't want to.

I do think I can contribute on this site, not from the experience of any marriages, but simply because I know the Bible so well, particularly now in the area of poly.
Thank you MeganC. Though I feel like I know you from the posts we've already made over the last 2 weeks. You have unusual incite. Very impressed with you.
Imagine my surprise when she was DISGUSTED by my findings and called me again what she had called me from our wedding night - a SEXAHOLIC.
If you are a "sexaholic", the scriptural solution to that is more marriage. If her diagnosis is correct she should also have been willing to give the prescribed treatment, or accept assistance in that regard if it was beyond her capability.
Yes, she thinks I am a "sexaholic" and "Over-sexed". But the truth is, as you have stated and I finally understood of the Word and of myself - no, she was not being obedient and I let her do it. My answer would have been to bring another or other women into my home - but alas, I didn't. I will still say this - she is a fine woman with these giant blinders that forced me pain (much pain) for my entire marriage - and since I still don't have a wife or wives, I am still in pain. Yet, I await God's provision. If I knew how to do it myself, I would find someone(s) but I never dated in my life. She and I knew each other from Kindergarten, and just assumed we would marry. I never knew what it was to date - still don't know how to do so.,
Out of interest, and it was some time ago, but did you discuss sex prior to your wedding? My wife and I did an 8-week pre-marriage course through a local church while we were engaged, and one week of that was entirely discussing expectations when it comes to sex (others focussed on finances, wider family relationships - all the various things that can cause tension). I don't recall the detail but I think we had a pretty clear understanding that our expectations were compatible. Is that something that ever came up in conversation between you, or was it a "dirty" matter that was never raised until the wedding night?
If nothing else, you have a testimony of what the imbalance of monogamy only can cost.
Hi Larry, welcome aboard and thanks for the opportunity to read your back story. Best wishes for your future.
Out of interest, and it was some time ago, but did you discuss sex prior to your wedding? My wife and I did an 8-week pre-marriage course through a local church while we were engaged, and one week of that was entirely discussing expectations when it comes to sex (others focussed on finances, wider family relationships - all the various things that can cause tension). I don't recall the detail but I think we had a pretty clear understanding that our expectations were compatible. Is that something that ever came up in conversation between you, or was it a "dirty" matter that was never raised until the wedding night?
We had sex before "marriage" though in my mind that was marriage. I was always taught that, and still believe it to be true until someone can convince me otherwise. A few months later we were "married" in the eyes of the law. It is "funny" - she wanted sex before marriage, and yet on our wedding night she said "Oh, not tonight - I don't want us to believe this is why we got married." I will always believe she wanted sex before marriage to trap me, and I was trapped. I wish I had understood "putting away" back then.
A sad addition to having had sex with my intended, then being trapped into marriage. It was only a few days after we had sex that my accompanist, a beautiful girl who played the piano and had a beautiful voice, announced her love for me. I told her it was too late - that I had already committed to my fiance. Too late. Her mother asked me the next day - What did you do to my daughter, she cried all night. What no one knew was that I also cried all night. But the dirty deed was done. Too late. Too late. I have spent 63 years regretting that. Another reason that sex before marriage is bad.
Thank you to all who have welcomed me and to all you who find anything I say interesting enough for response. I have really enjoyed my week (or two?) on here already. I love studying and I love writing so it is hard for me to just sit here and absorb - Not that what I say means a whole lot, since I am now a single slug.
Thank you to all who have welcomed me and to all you who find anything I say interesting enough for response. I have really enjoyed my week (or two?) on here already. I love studying and I love writing so it is hard for me to just sit here and absorb - Not that what I say means a whole lot, since I am now a single slug.
Oh, I DO have a question - afraid I know the answer. Does ANYONE know of anyone (male, female, family, friends of family, family's cats, etc) in Iowa who is poly-minded other than me? And is there a place to put this question that would draw more attention than right here???
Oh, I DO have a question - afraid I know the answer. Does ANYONE know of anyone (male, female, family, friends of family, family's cats, etc) in Iowa who is poly-minded other than me? And is there a place to put this question that would draw more attention than right here???
I believe @blessedwith2 is from Iowa.
Send him a private message.
Ohhhh, that's right - blessed with 2. Sooo, to send a message to him, I don't have an email address, so do you mean use this site and to try to address him??? Sorry for being so dumn. Here my brilliance just evaporated and I show myself a less than common man.
Ohhhh, that's right - blessed with 2. Sooo, to send a message to him, I don't have an email address, so do you mean use this site and to try to address him??? Sorry for being so dumn. Here my brilliance just evaporated and I show myself a less than common man.
Click on the thing that looks like an envelope in the upper right corner.