This came to me after fielding criticism from several family members. The term "Marriage" and the term "Wife" and "Wives" do not seem to be at all biblical. I'm hoping those with a better technical knowledge can really chime in here. I see it similarly as translating Chariot as Car. Uh yeah they share some functional similarities but only on a basic level, beyond that we're not talking about the same thing. I've come to the conclusion that I can no longer use this language to describe my relationships. As I move forward and Yah has blessed me with a coming second I will probably be referring to them as my women, and/or possibly Isha's. This both distinguishes us from worldly connotations and saves the hassle of any tenuous legal implications someone might try to pin on us. To a mainstream Christian (I am messianic/hebrew roots) this will look and sound like shacking up, but there again is the disconnect in understanding. I will have a covenant with each of my women, but I just can't see calling it marriage. That is a modern cultural convention with its own twisted definitions, start to finish. So what say you! I think we need a better more biblically sound vocabulary for this. Biblical marriage is beginning to sound like an oxymoron.