• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

It's Kari from Mike and Kari


New Member
Greetings ladies! Hope you are having a blessed day! It's me, Kari. I joined just under my name as suggested! Very excited to be here!! As most of you know, my husband's name is Mike. We live in Pine Mountain, GA. We have been very happily married for 8 years!! We have been praying about God's will for a while now about possible adding a SW. It wasn't until just a few months ago that we see Him showing us that is what He wants us to do. I will admit to having some reservations, but, I am also looking forward to seeing what He will do! I love my husband dearly and would do anything for him!! So, any words of encouragement or just advice would be so helpful!
Hello again Kari! I am excitied to hear how God is going to work in your life!
Hello! Thank you! We are very excited! I try to get on here as often as I can. But, the only internet I have right now is on my phone. I usually go to my father in law's to get on the computer as often as I can!
Welcome Kari! My name is Crystal. My husband and I have also been married 8 years and recently felt God call on our hearts to enter a PM. I felt like the queen of reservations and objections until recently. lol I would love to chat with you anytime. I hope that you feel as blessed as I do for having found this "family".
Welcome Kari!

I'm Gidgit! Hubby and I have been married 12 years and my sister wife just joined our family the last week of October. She and hubby are going to be having an official commitment ceremony/wedding after the first of the year.

Kari, I totally understand reservations and so forth. I had them and sometimes still do! My SW is my best friend since childhood. I do have some issues here and there but I rely on my God and my wonderful and amazing friends here at BF to pray for me! :D

I hope you make some great friends like I have and I pray that God will show you clearly how He wants things to work for you!
Welcome, Kari! I am really glad you found us. I hope you and Mike will find some real encouragement as you look into what God might have for you. Look forward to getting to know you.

Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes!! What a blessing it is to have found this site!! We are hoping to get our computer hooked up a the house soon so I can chat with you all more often!! Blessings to you all!!!!