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July 2nd - Quote to live by?

I have many.. but here is one.

“We must hold to our views and love those who hate us for them.”
Russell Moore
One of my dad's favorites is also one of mine.
If any man can convince me and bring home to me that I do not think or act aright, gladly will I change; for I search after truth, by which man never yet was harmed. But he is harmed who abideth on still in his deception and ignorance.

Marcus Aurelious

It sums up in a way the value of truth.....and the folly of those who delude themselves into thinking that error is ever better.
Another thought that sustains me through these hard busy summer days is that God is with us through difficulties, and especially the things we do for conscience sake.
I saw a quote once that said something to the effect of...

I know God won't give us more then we can handle. He must think I'm a real bad a$$!

I hope that doesn't offend anyone.....and I would appreciate prayer for hubby and I, as we have too much going on to list.
Thank you for sharing all your quotes! I've been out of town so I'm playing catch up on the comments but am enjoying reading them all!

@Joleneakamama, I like it! I almost posted one I saw on Pinterest awhile ago but didn't want to offend anyone also. It said something like "Mother Theresa didn't worry about the size of her thighs, she had s**t to do" :)
Thank you for sharing all your quotes! I've been out of town so I'm playing catch up on the comments but am enjoying reading them all!

@Joleneakamama, I like it! I almost posted one I saw on Pinterest awhile ago but didn't want to offend anyone also. It said something like "Mother Theresa didn't worry about the size of her thighs, she had s**t to do" :)
I like it @RainyLondonFog !
I hope to make choices that have a positive impact.
I know a gal who only had three children, makes time for working out, and even had a surgery to enhance physical appearance. I love her, but obviously made different choices. I don't worry about tweezing my eyebrows, and/or painting them on in the morning, I'm fixing breakfast for my crew. I dont worry about working out....I have a garden to work in. What keeps me going is thinking about and touching real stuff. Truth, people, theology, animals, plants.
I hope I NEVER care about fashion, or artificial man made anything.

I like the line in Alice in Wonderland where she asks her mum "Who is to decide what is proper? If someone decided wearing a codfish on your head was proper would you wear one?"

To me God decides what is proper, and the opinions of others only matter to me if I think God would see it as they do.
I like it @RainyLondonFog !
I hope to make choices that have a positive impact.
I know a gal who only had three children, makes time for working out, and even had a surgery to enhance physical appearance. I love her, but obviously made different choices. I don't worry about tweezing my eyebrows, and/or painting them on in the morning, I'm fixing breakfast for my crew. I dont worry about working out....I have a garden to work in. What keeps me going is thinking about and touching real stuff. Truth, people, theology, animals, plants.
I hope I NEVER care about fashion, or artificial man made anything.

I like the line in Alice in Wonderland where she asks her mum "Who is to decide what is proper? If someone decided wearing a codfish on your head was proper would you wear one?"

To me God decides what is proper, and the opinions of others only matter to me if I think God would see it as they do.

I'm glad you liked the quote! Although a lot of how you describe your friend could also describe me lol. I do wear makeup just about everyday, keep up on the brows, make time to work out, have three kids and if it weren't for the surgery I would wonder if I had a double near you! But I try to keep it in mind that things that aren't eternal don't matter in eternity (paraphrased from CS Lewis.) I agree that that stuff isn't important, but as long as it's not an obsession I'm also on the side of well if it makes you more comfortable being you(and it's hubby approved) then do it. I know a lot of the reasons why I do the things I do are probably based in some sort of insecurity (which I am making progress on weeding out), but I also think it makes me more approachable and softer too. It helps me be the me I am most comfortable with being, and helps me to feel more confident. Sort of like how freshly brushed teeth can. :)
I'm glad you liked the quote! Although a lot of how you describe your friend could also describe me lol. I do wear makeup just about everyday, keep up on the brows, make time to work out, have three kids and if it weren't for the surgery I would wonder if I had a double near you! But I try to keep it in mind that things that aren't eternal don't matter in eternity (paraphrased from CS Lewis.) I agree that that stuff isn't important, but as long as it's not an obsession I'm also on the side of well if it makes you more comfortable being you(and it's hubby approved) then do it. I know a lot of the reasons why I do the things I do are probably based in some sort of insecurity (which I am making progress on weeding out), but I also think it makes me more approachable and softer too. It helps me be the me I am most comfortable with being, and helps me to feel more confident. Sort of like how freshly brushed teeth can. :)
I understand, and hubby approved is to me the bottom line.
I wore make up, fussed over my hair, worried about what I wore, I even shaved my practically hairless legs in my single days, and I still do all that sometimes.:D but when I did that after I was married and expecting hubby told me I might get smart and quit worrying about removing those few leg hairs when I was 8 or 9 months along.

It is probably a combination of a lot of things that contribute to me being on the extreme-re end of practical, not frilly, and not very concerned about what people think of me spectrum.

I am not the sort that thinks doing any of those cosmetic things are wrong, but cannot fathom breast enhancement surgery myself. I think of a body going back to the earth someday....except for the silicone blobs....and I think there is no way I would pay to pretend....and put myself through the pain....and required 24/7 bra wearing, and let's not forget surgery again to remove or replace them after maybe 30 years. And I think women that do that torture themselves for vanity.

There is a cool web site with real pictures of real breasts. Because someone is trying to educate women here in the West about what normal healthy is. Young girls commuting suicide because of measuring themselves against porn star bodies is beyond tragic.

Sorry about the thread derail.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. :D
I understand, and hubby approved is to me the bottom line.
I wore make up, fussed over my hair, worried about what I wore, I even shaved my practically hairless legs in my single days, and I still do all that sometimes.:D but when I did that after I was married and expecting hubby told me I might get smart and quit worrying about removing those few leg hairs when I was 8 or 9 months along.

It is probably a combination of a lot of things that contribute to me being on the extreme-re end of practical, not frilly, and not very concerned about what people think of me spectrum.

I am not the sort that thinks doing any of those cosmetic things are wrong, but cannot fathom breast enhancement surgery myself. I think of a body going back to the earth someday....except for the silicone blobs....and I think there is no way I would pay to pretend....and put myself through the pain....and required 24/7 bra wearing, and let's not forget surgery again to remove or replace them after maybe 30 years. And I think women that do that torture themselves for vanity.

There is a cool web site with real pictures of real breasts. Because someone is trying to educate women here in the West about what normal healthy is. Young girls commuting suicide because of measuring themselves against porn star bodies is beyond tragic.

Sorry about the thread derail.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. :D

Lol no no detrail all you please!

I love that you aren't so concerned with what others think of you. I strive to be more like that myself. :)

Haha I've thought about that too, about the silicone being left behind.

Yes the standards society sets for us are so wrong I have a hard time putting it into words.
but when I did that after I was married and expecting hubby told me I might get smart and quit worrying about removing those few leg hairs when I was 8 or 9 months along.
Lol, Jolene! My husband flat out said he couldn't tell a difference when I wore makeup vs none. So, that sealed the deal for me. Granted I never wore much but it was very liberating to let it go!
My favorite saying:
Thank God I am not the judge so I can focus on loving.
Serenity Prayer
- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
My favorite saying:
Thank God I am not the judge so I can focus on loving.
Serenity Prayer
- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Whoa I never knew there was more to that then just the beginning! Thank you for sharing!!
I've been out of the loop for several days myself because of vacation and getting my feet back down after returning home to get back into the routine of work this past Monday, July 9th. It's been great to catch up on all the posts in this thread.

One of my mama's favorite sayings from her mother was, "Pretty is as pretty does." and "Beauty is only skin deep." Those thoughts have steadied me many a time as I've found myself surrounded in a lady's group when I felt so out-of-place because the only topics of conversation focused on make up--the name brand, how much it cost, etc., the latest fashions, how much they'd spent on the last outfit, how dissatisfied they were with how they looked, what new hair color they were going to try next--you get the picture.
I've been out of the loop for several days myself because of vacation and getting my feet back down after returning home to get back into the routine of work this past Monday, July 9th. It's been great to catch up on all the posts in this thread.

One of my mama's favorite sayings from her mother was, "Pretty is as pretty does." and "Beauty is only skin deep." Those thoughts have steadied me many a time as I've found myself surrounded in a lady's group when I felt so out-of-place because the only topics of conversation focused on make up--the name brand, how much it cost, etc., the latest fashions, how much they'd spent on the last outfit, how dissatisfied they were with how they looked, what new hair color they were going to try next--you get the picture.

I hope you had a good vacation! And yes I totally get what you mean. I have a hard time fitting in with women's groups too. Love the quotes thank you for sharing! :)