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Legal Issues Topic #2 - Custody of Children


Real Person
In this day and age, dealing with child custody issues often comes to the attention of the courts even in traditional marriage situations. How have/how can plural families best deal with the issue of child custody in a multiple parent environment. Once again both practical and theorectical input is welcome.
I don't have children of my own, but if I did, I would try and move heaven and earth to keep them away from any government entity ... some g'ment moron somewhere will decide that a poly family is enough to raid it and keep the families apart while they "investigate" the abuse.
I am going to aim for marrying a woman that is a virgin a widow or a wife put away by an unbeliever. With the first two it wont be an issue. The last one. Well we will see what happens if it happens.

of course, that would be ideal, but occasionally God interrupts with another plan. I was thinking more in terms of blended families (children from previous marriages/relationships).
