I'm not good with capturing my thoughts by typing, so my husband is helping me with this post. My husband introduced me to biblical families about a year ago and it has been a rough road as we both have learned a lot. So far I've had no support to wrestle with all of the issues to have come up since then because I know my family and friends are not understanding about these things. My husband has wanted me to try to get connected on here, but it's hard for me to do this through text so I've put it off. I don't think this is healthy to do anymore, but I really could use a sister in Christ to talk to in a format I'm comfortable with. If there is anyone out there who might be willing to talk on a voice based medium I would be so grateful. I can't do this alone anymore and I don't want my marriage to fall apart because I have nobody to help guide me. I know I haven't introduced myself yet, which I plan to soon, but if anyone would reach out I would be in such a better place. I'm willing to try more text based communication if someone wants to get to know me more first even if it's hard to do. I am even going to try the ladies chat and hope I can manage. But I know myself and I really could use a more natural way to talk to someone at least while I'm in such distress.