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Man should not be alone

When the LORD God said that it was not good that the man should be alone
(Gen 2:18), what did he mean? There are two competing ideas about what is meant. Here they are:
1. God was saying that man should have one other person with him


2. God is saying that the man should be more than one upon the earth, he should have family and fill the globe with others.

Choice no. 1 reflects the roman-tic philosophy that has permeated the mind of man for a millenia. It is that age old belief that everyone has a soulmate.
Choice no. 2 is based upon sound exegesis. Look at the word alone. It comes from the combination of all + one. God says it is not good that the man should be all one. The opposite of one is not two but rather it is many. God looked around and saw that the other creatures were in the process of multiplying (Gen 1:22) and knew that man should not be a single creature but that the earth should be full of men.

And if it is the LORD God's will that mankind be many, then isn't it wrong for any institution, including the church, to interfere with man's reproductive endeavor?

God has great desire for the agenda of man's reproduction. He gets very angry at any attempts to thwart this end. Look at what the book says about a woman that would attempt to place her hand upon a man's reproductive unit even if it is for a good cause:
Deut 25:11-12 When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity [her].

Man has the right, no, the divine duty to have family unless he is called into ministry, and no other man has the right to strip him of that.
I think greed, selfishness and secular humanism is more at fault in this although churches haven't helped much. Many men cut off their own reproductive capacities (birth control and vasectomy) because they think that having lots of babies is a kind of curse nowadays. Sad.
Brother Memphis,
One question???
Why did you make the following statement?....... unless he is called into ministry.....
Chaplain said:
Brother Memphis,
One question???
Why did you make the following statement?....... unless he is called into ministry.....

Brother Chaplain,
What I meant was that the bible has made the evangelist exempt from marriage if he so chooses. However, it is not an obligation for him to remain celibate. That would be the forbidding of marriage that Paul alludes to and the catholic church teaches and is called the doctrine of demons, 1 Tim 4:1-4.
Both Paul and Christ spoke concerning the putting off of marriage only if it would allow the man or woman to devote more to the gospel.
Brother Memphis,
Another question?????
Where in scripture does it say that an evangelist is exempt from marriage if he so chooses. It is my understanding that anyone who wishes to remain celibate my do so if they wish, though this is not, for lack of a better word, the first or best choice for one to make. Just asking!!
I sory shur, dis pore ole cuntry boy jest lib bak dare in de Black Bayou and us kajuns from Louzeana just dont no no bether. An seaing as I werk off shour, i is sapoze too bee unegekated cuz I is kaled oil field trash.

So that you will know what I wrote:
I sorry sir, this poor old country boy just lives back there in the Black Bayou and us Cajuns from Louisiana just don't know no better. And seeing as I work offshore, I is suppose to be uneducated because I is called Oil Field Trash.