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"Masculine Christianity" by Zachary Garris


Seasoned Member
Real Person*
I recently read this book, enjoyed it, and learned some things. I'll give it a thumbs up!

In a lot of ways it is just a basic overview of Biblical patriarchy. It isn't earth shattering. You probably already know most of the things Garris teaches in this book.

This isn't primarily a book for you. It is a book you use to help shift the Overton window of your normie conservative evangelical Christian friends and family. It is a book that could help "complementarian and/or egalitarian Christians" move toward Biblical patriarchy.

If you attend an evangelical church, this is a book you could recommend to your pastor, elders, or fellow church members.

Here are the last few sentences of the book.

"Male rule will upset many progressives. Let it. The husband holds authority over his wife. Only men may be pastors and elders. Only men may be soldiers and civil leaders. And women should help their husbands and have lots of babies. This is masculine Christianity."

The author strongly criticizes feminism, egalitarianism, and complementarianism.

The author is a pastor in the PCA (the "conservative" Presbyterian Church in America), but directly calls out and criticizes the errors of many evangelical celebrities including John Piper, Wayne Grudem, and Tim Kellar.

The author does not "get polygamy" yet, but does honestly call for patriarchy, and shoots down the compromise put forth in complementarianism.

He runs in similar theological circles as Doug Wilson, Brian Sauve, Jeff Durbin, and Joel Webbon. They are the "Courageous Calvinists" that still have a pair, not the "Compromised Calvinists" of much of evangelicalism.

If you want a book on patriarchy written by a "paleo or classic Evangelical", rather than a "Hebrew roots - Torah Emphasis" viewpoint, this is a good starting point.
I recently read this book, enjoyed it, and learned some things. I'll give it a thumbs up!

In a lot of ways it is just a basic overview of Biblical patriarchy. It isn't earth shattering. You probably already know most of the things Garris teaches in this book.

This isn't primarily a book for you. It is a book you use to help shift the Overton window of your normie conservative evangelical Christian friends and family. It is a book that could help "complementarian and/or egalitarian Christians" move toward Biblical patriarchy.

If you attend an evangelical church, this is a book you could recommend to your pastor, elders, or fellow church members.

Here are the last few sentences of the book.

"Male rule will upset many progressives. Let it. The husband holds authority over his wife. Only men may be pastors and elders. Only men may be soldiers and civil leaders. And women should help their husbands and have lots of babies. This is masculine Christianity."

The author strongly criticizes feminism, egalitarianism, and complementarianism.

The author is a pastor in the PCA (the "conservative" Presbyterian Church in America), but directly calls out and criticizes the errors of many evangelical celebrities including John Piper, Wayne Grudem, and Tim Kellar.

The author does not "get polygamy" yet, but does honestly call for patriarchy, and shoots down the compromise put forth in complementarianism.

He runs in similar theological circles as Doug Wilson, Brian Sauve, Jeff Durbin, and Joel Webbon. They are the "Courageous Calvinists" that still have a pair, not the "Compromised Calvinists" of much of evangelicalism.

If you want a book on patriarchy written by a "paleo or classic Evangelical", rather than a "Hebrew roots - Torah Emphasis" viewpoint, this is a good starting point.
Thank you for the review and recommendation. Much appreciated.