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New and Curious in Canada


New Member
I have been in a poly relationship since the mid 90's and presently have 2 sister wives. Each of us has a little girl and one is pg again, gender unknown. I am the oldest of us three, but not the first.

I am reading a lot lately about others and their daily joys and struggles. I believe I can share a lot from my experiences, and hopefully learn from others.

I am facing a turning point in my life/career, and seeking God on how to handle revealing the truth with discretion and yet confidence. I see only Americans so far in the forums. I originally came from the US, but am now living in Western Canada. Is there anyone else out there nearby to me? I want my daughter/s to have every possible awesome Christian experience that I had and more. I don't want to be excluded from Christian ministry because of revelations of my lifestyle that may get discovered.

Do you guys live a life of "don't ask, don't tell?"

I guess I have some research to do. Any easy answers?
Hi Kratos:

Welcome to the board. We'll enjoy getting to know you and learning from your experience.

We do have at least one active family from Canada, perhaps more. You're not alone.

As to your question, we're a diverse bunch. Some of us are in poly relationships, others are still searching, either actively or passively. Within that mix, some are very secretive, others very open and accepting of whatever "consequences" result.

Personally, the stress I hear in those who are trying to keep secrets far outweighs (in my mind) that I've endure because of openness, which has been considerable, admittedly. I guess it is an individual decision and, since it goes against the western cultural grain, not for the faint-hearted.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents to start the ball rolling.
kratos said:
I have been in a poly relationship since the mid 90's...

Do you guys live a life of "don't ask, don't tell?"

I guess I have some research to do. Any easy answers?

First, welcome!

Then, and answering the questions in reverse order... ;)

1) No. (Unless you count obvious things, like "Love YHVH", "seek first the Kingdom..." and the "path is narrow and few there be that find it"... :) )

2) Been there, done that. I won't ever do it again. While it's not a panacea -- in that my wife B, the second of two, still carried the "fear" of "what the world thinks" even several years after I became very open about our marriage -- I found it to be BY FAR the best option. (I eventually got very comfortable with being cute candid about His Truth whenever anyone asked, or whenever the occasion arose. It was far more of a blessing than an issue to simply be honest.)

Nothing good comes from fear of the world.
