To all our new friends, which after this past weekend do not feel new but as old and comfortable as family, thank you on so many levels.
First and foremost, all praise and glory be to our Lord and savior for delivering us to the retreat! The amazing worship enabled the cleansing renewal of faith, both thru the steadfast depth of belief presented by the group and the Hand of God on the entire retreat. Then thank you for the special individuals that took their time to bless us through sharing of the Word and their personal experience. For both we are extremely grateful.
For us, the decision and action of celebrating our marriage in the eyes of the Lord and with the loving support of our friends, will not only be the highlight of the weekend, or even the year, but beyond the highlight of our relationship we know that this is a blessing from the Lord that will impact all the areas of our future life together.
Moving on to the speakers, WOW!! Doc went from a teacher presenting thought provoking written lessons on the Word, to a man that will always be a key person in our lives. A real live person was added to those posts, and he became both man and friend. (And the minister that married us.
Then Brian, well what can be said? His presentation was so right on for us that all we can say is: WOW!! But for me, he will always be the man that forgave me for NOT having the coffee done on Saturday morning…and did that with his great smile. WOW!! Tom’s presentation validated the position of God and man in a family relationship. And we both will read the book available at the retreat, and look forward to the new book. It stimulates thought on the structure that can produce peace within and without our family groups.
There was more even than the formal sessions. While we didn’t participate in the sporting events, if we had arrived with children those times would have been important to witnessing on a level that can be incorporated into the extra fun of family life. Just knowing they were available made the weekend more fun. Bringing me to the kids involved, they were great. The snippets of conversation I enjoyed with them brightened the already beautiful sunshine that created such a gorgeous outdoor atmosphere.
The best testimony we can give is that we will be back. We will mark next years’ retreat dates far ahead and do all we can to be there to share with old friends and meet with our fellow warriors.
Thank you to all who worked so hard to put this together for our benefit. The effort does not go unrecognized or unappreciated. Thank you and blessings to all for making this special retreat available and sharing it with us.
But most of all remember this:
“Our God is an Awesome God!”
Signed in Christ’s love, David and Pat Hayward