OK, I could get behind the Prohibition Party, as I agree with most everything they stand for, but it would have to be at the local level, because at the top level, Phil Collins doesn't stand a chance.My family has voted for the Democratic since before the Antebellum era. We r left-center social conservatives though. I sit on the Smith County Democratic Party Committee. I voted for Barack Obama (D) for President in 2012, for Rosalyn Glenn (R) for Mayor in 2013, for Thad Cochran (R) for the Senate in 2014, Robert Gray (D) for Governor in 2015, Hilary Clinton (D) for President in 2016, Dennis Robinson (D) for Mayor in 2017, David Baria (D) for Senate in 2018, and Jim Hood (D) for Governor in 2019. Just like my family, I usually vote for the nominee of the Democratic Party, since they're closer to the economic views taught by Catholic Social Teaching. This year, I'm going to give my vote to Biden on March 10th. Whoever wins the nomination, will have my vote in November, except for Buttigieg or Bloomberg. If either of them gets the nomination, I'll vote for the Prohibition Party for President, and the Democratic Party in all other elections here (Senate and House of Representatives).
The establishment is trying to keep Sanders from winning the nomination, since most millennials, including myself, r against Zionism, and modern capitalism. Either Buttigieg or Bloomberg will get the nomination this year, unless Biden is supported again by the establishment. He is only clinging to the black vote, and those white persons, like myself who voted for Obama. Buttigieg and Bloomberg will definitely lose against Trump. Biden is a maybe or maybe not. Sanders would defeat Trump completely in 2020. If he wasn't a draft dodger like Trump, I would consider voting for him in the primary. I just can't bring myself to support a draft dodger. If he somehow gets the nomination, he'll have my vote. I told the Democratic Party that me and my family will vote for Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar, but not Buttigieg or Bloomberg. I'm a man of my word. Like my grandpa, who was a WW2 veteran, alderman, and grocery store owner, said on his deathbed to my ma in 1992 before he died in December after voting for Bill Clinton, I'll die a Democrat. I'm about to run as a conservative democrat for my grandpas seat in 2021 on the Board of Alderman.
That is a proposal I could definitely get behind.MARRIAGE -
We call for a Constitutional amendment, which shall read as follows: "Marriage is, historically, an Institution and Sacrament of the Church. Only religious institutions shall decide what qualifies as a 'marriage.' For the purpose of two individuals who need only legal protection, such as for inheritance and for power of attorney one for the other, the state may license Civil Unions.''
We oppose any efforts to compel members of the clergy to perform marriages of any sort.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, primarily because of his "grab her by the ...." remark, but he will get my vote this year, because of the policies he has enacted. If I hadn't feel confident about Trump winning Texas, I would have held my nose and voted for him, because 4 years of Jezebel .... or was it Hillary ... something like that .... would have been horrific!
The Democrat Party and everything they stand for, galls me. From creepy Biden and his blatant demand to fire the prosecutor and his disavowal of the Biden amendment, to Sanders and his praising of Chavez and Castro, I don't think you could ask for a worse crop of candidates to run for President. I don't remember the last time I saw a pro-life Democrat at the top of the ticket.