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Polls & Stats


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Couple of thoughts:
1) Any chance up putting the questions all in one poll?
2) Could be an interesting exercise to find out how many are first borns vs, middle, etc.
3) Regarding ideology, could look at using the labels, ie, moderate, centrist, libertarian, etc... though there are so many shades it may not be worth it. :)
Thanks, Chris. Considering one or more additional polls. The family position one is a good idea.
Under locations, please change Australia to Australasia or add in NZ as I will NOT put myself as an Australian :D . Thank you.
Why is there a race thing called Caucasian and also African? It does not make sense. What if you are a white South African? Or a black American? It is hardly appropriate to call yourself African is it?

I can't see how to change Australia to Australasia dear, maybe Nathan knows a trick I don't?

I haven't been able to answer the "Conservative or Liberal" poll, because I've got no idea what it means in relation to us. I'd say there are a few people here who think like me - I'm hardly what the world calls "conservative", in that I accept polygyny and don't think the Government should have anything to do with marriage - but I'm certainly not what the world calls "liberal" either (pro-gay-marriage, pro-abortion, ban bibles in schools...). I'm a conservative libertarian - I can't see where to put myself on the spectrum!

I really like the "World's smallest political quiz" here: http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz There are plenty of quizzes like this which try to put you somewhere on a political spectrum, but this one does it in about half a minute, the questions might not be perfect but it seems to do a good job. I'm a hard-line libertarian according to that quiz.
Isabella said:
Why is there a race thing called Caucasian and also African? It does not make sense. What if you are a white South African? Or a black American? It is hardly appropriate to call yourself African is it?

Prolly a nod to political correctness, Bels. A lot of American government documents are setup this way. It has to do with your race, and your ancestors, not your citizenship. A white South African is nonetheless of a Caucasion race. A black american's (Afro-American, Black, Negroid [no longer politically correct but, I think, scientifically accurate]) ancestors did not originate in Finland...
FollowingHim : You are correct, American conservatism according to the wiki is more liberalism or neo-liberalism and doesn't line up with the way most of the rest of the world defines conservative. :)
Not that I believe all things wiki but one should start somewhere.
CecilW said:
Isabella said:
Why is there a race thing called Caucasian and also African? It does not make sense. What if you are a white South African? Or a black American? It is hardly appropriate to call yourself African is it?

Prolly a nod to political correctness, Bels. A lot of American government documents are setup this way. It has to do with your race, and your ancestors, not your citizenship. A white South African is nonetheless of a Caucasion race. A black american's (Afro-American, Black, Negroid [no longer politically correct but, I think, scientifically accurate]) ancestors did not originate in Finland...

Race doesn't really exist, it is a social construct, you mean Ethnicity, besides which a black American, Cuban or Trinidadian is NOT African. A person from Africa is African, that is not being political correct, it is just a fact. West Africans are not phenotypically the exact same as North or East Africans either but they are all African!

If you want to talk Finland (or any other country in Europe) shouldn't that category be European like the African one?

It is a badly designed section.

Bels is technically correct, I really don't think it matters as most people will just read "race" as meaning "ethnicity" just like the poll author was thinking. It's just a bit of fun anyway. However it wouldn't hurt to just change the poll title to "ethnicity" to avoid any potential confusion.