Having been to the Philippines and knowing a lot of Filipinos, this was a cool video.For those interested in attitudes toward polygamy, and polygyny in particular, in different places check out the video linked below. This is not from a Christian perspective, so discretion is advised but it is still insightful.
It seems those three letter agencies pay a lot of attention to whoever they are told to pay attention to, and cause their victims as much trouble as they can while they do it. Whoever the Swamp decides to take issue with gets targeted, whether innocent or guilty.Be careful with that. The Feds pay a lot of attention to American men going to Southeast Asia for that kind of companionship and anyone doing so should be prepared to have a conversation with a three letter agency upon their return.
however he does point out these filipinas are willing to share their man.
In the video he says they're exclusive...If they're prostitutes then this is no big deal for them.