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Polygyny IS a salvation issue.

Just not to polygynists. I was watching @robbkowalski latest interview when I realized just how tied into salvation monogamy only is. At one point the interviewer asked if it was a salvation issue and as someone who was not brought up with church doctrine, I did not realize just how much it is a core value of modern churchianity. Considering the reactions of people I am suprised its not listed on mission statements everywhere.

What was most interesting was how offended the girl became when faced with the truth about polygyny, to the point of attacking Rob for his message because it is counter to hers dads religion, even though she herself was in professed adultery and renounces christianity.

It is mind boggling to me how openly churchianity will accept and tolerate her kind of behaviour as well as other behaviours like trans and homsexuality and even lesser decalred sins yet would not break bread with particpating polygnists.

Is there anything more contreversial, I dont think there is. Is it because monogamy-only is based on false doctrine, while everything else is clearly defined? Idk that i've ever seen a topic foght so hard over, even Torah keeping isn't rallied against as hard.
It is mind boggling to me how openly churchianity will accept and tolerate her kind of behaviour as well as other behaviours like trans and homsexuality and even lesser decalred sins yet would not break bread with particpating polygnists.
Because regime makes degeneracy and immorality respectable and high status which causes normies to try to copy or at, minimum, approve of such things.

Remember, in first campaign, Obama was against gay marriage.

Per se, polygyny isn't salvation issue. Truth of it does heavily influences amount of sin in our lives. Especially when regime lapdog run churches.
Just not to polygynists. I was watching @robbkowalski latest interview when I realized just how tied into salvation monogamy only is. At one point the interviewer asked if it was a salvation issue and as someone who was not brought up with church doctrine, I did not realize just how much it is a core value of modern churchianity. Considering the reactions of people I am suprised its not listed on mission statements everywhere.

What was most interesting was how offended the girl became when faced with the truth about polygyny, to the point of attacking Rob for his message because it is counter to hers dads religion, even though she herself was in professed adultery and renounces christianity.

It is mind boggling to me how openly churchianity will accept and tolerate her kind of behaviour as well as other behaviours like trans and homsexuality and even lesser decalred sins yet would not break bread with particpating polygnists.

Is there anything more contreversial, I dont think there is. Is it because monogamy-only is based on false doctrine, while everything else is clearly defined? Idk that i've ever seen a topic foght so hard over, even Torah keeping isn't rallied against as hard.
I tend to agree that acceptance of polygyny as being righteous may be a salvation issue once faced with the facts. Blissful ignorance may not be affected, but willful rejection sets one boldly against the very character of God.

It becomes a salvation issue because it is rooted in God's character and accepting Him as He IS, not as we make Him...

This is true with obedience in other areas, too. Once Yah reveals truth, we must follow else we are no longer serving Him but the god of our imaginings... 😊
The enemy of our souls both fears and hates polygyny.
He hates it because A) he hates anything that is blessed by Yah including marriage itself.
B) he hates it because it encourages patriarchy.
He fears it because, done right, it makes people stronger against his kingdom.
I tend to agree that acceptance of polygyny as being righteous may be a salvation issue once faced with the facts. Blissful ignorance may not be affected, but willful rejection sets one boldly against the very character of God.

It becomes a salvation issue because it is rooted in God's character and accepting Him as He IS, not as we make Him...

This is true with obedience in other areas, too. Once Yah reveals truth, we must follow else we are no longer serving Him but the god of our imaginings... 😊
Well said, very balanced.
I tend to agree that acceptance of polygyny as being righteous may be a salvation issue once faced with the facts. Blissful ignorance may not be affected, but willful rejection sets one boldly against the very character of God.

It becomes a salvation issue because it is rooted in God's character and accepting Him as He IS, not as we make Him...

This is true with obedience in other areas, too. Once Yah reveals truth, we must follow else we are no longer serving Him but the god of our imaginings... 😊
This is a good point Pete. We can be ignorant and wrong about all sorts of things (including polygamy), and still be justified in Christ.

We are saved by God's grace, through Christ's imputed righteousness, received by faith.

The person with true saving faith will accept Christ as He is, bowing in submission to his Maker. He will accept the legitimacy of polygyny once he understands it.
I don’t agree that it’s a salvation issue. One can be a true believer in Christ and still be deluded on this issue. Remember, most people have been bombarded by the monogamy only doctrine for decades. They’re not usually going to immediately accept polygyny. I didn’t. I studied it extensively for a long period of time before I changed my view. However, as we’re seeing, more and more are coming to the truth.
It really, really isn't.

I see this so often and find it highly concerning. Whatever Christians have become passionate about, wherever God has called them to serve Him, that is the thing they hold very deeply. It seems 'obvious' to them that this thing is truth. They can't believe that other Christians don't see it. Then they start to think that other Christians that aren't seeing it are wilfully ignoring it and not listening to God. Not listening to God means they must not be saved and aren't Christians.

None of that is true. God has called us all into different areas of learning and serving. That is ok. We are all different parts of the body.

Salvation is an incredibly simple thing, it is not tied down by doctrine.
Polygyny is not a salvation issue. Torah is not a salvation issue. Praying in tongues is not a salvation issue. Protesting against abortion is not a salvation issue. Flat earth is not a salvation issue.
It really, really isn't.

I see this so often and find it highly concerning. Whatever Christians have become passionate about, wherever God has called them to serve Him, that is the thing they hold very deeply. It seems 'obvious' to them that this thing is truth. They can't believe that other Christians don't see it. Then they start to think that other Christians that aren't seeing it are wilfully ignoring it and not listening to God. Not listening to God means they must not be saved and aren't Christians.

None of that is true. God has called us all into different areas of learning and serving. That is ok. We are all different parts of the body.

Salvation is an incredibly simple thing, it is not tied down by doctrine.
Polygyny is not a salvation issue. Torah is not a salvation issue. Praying in tongues is not a salvation issue. Protesting against abortion is not a salvation issue. Flat earth is not a salvation issue.
I think the point @BiblicalLiteralist is making isn't that it's a salvation issue from the perspective of someone who believes polygyny is okay, but that people who hold to monogamy-only treat it as a salvation issue sometimes. "If you think having multiple wives is okay... are you even saved?"
Polygyny is not a salvation issue. Torah is not a salvation issue. Praying in tongues is not a salvation issue. Protesting against abortion is not a salvation issue. Flat earth is not a salvation issue.
Being deceived by "another jesus" and accepting "another gospel," that is not in accord with His Word and His Character, IS. (II Corinthians 11:4)

Which is arguably why He says - even to those who Said The Prayer - work out your OWN salvation ('shua') with fear and trembling. Because the way that leads to destruction is broad, easy to follow, while the Way He Taught is "narrow, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)
I hope that none of us believes the simplistic nonsense that is taught by Churchianity, that repeating a few words is all that is entailed to secure your place in Heaven.
21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
22“Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’
23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

(The caps are not mine... that the NASB95. 😊 )

A lot of things are salvation issues...
I hope that none of us believes the simplistic nonsense that is taught by Churchianity, that repeating a few words is all that is entailed to secure your place in Heaven.
Oh it’s simpler than even that; all one has to do is confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. Prayer not needed.
Oh it’s simpler than even that; all one has to do is confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. Prayer not needed.
Then why did He bother with His warning in Matthew 7:21-23? (and that after saying that the real Way "is narrow, and few there be that find it.")
Oh it’s simpler than even that; all one has to do is confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. Prayer not needed.
If only you could have taught that to Paul.

work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
ALL of the verses, ALL of 'em, accurately translated, ALWAYS reconcile.

That helps prove that it's Scripture.
Setting aside the far reaching authority you’ve granted yourself to authorize acceptable translations of scripture; if all the verses reconcile then yours must not contradict the simple two step process for salvation that is repeated multiple times.

Yours must mean something else because multiple verses say that salvation is follows confessing with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.
Does He know YOU? (Matthew 5:21-23)

If - as He said! - the "path is narrow" and "FEW there be that find it," there just may be a reason that Shaul/Paul also says "work out your own salvation [Hebrew root word is the same as Yahushua] with fear and trembling." (Phil. 2:12)

And the clincher is the warning in II Corinthians 11:4. If people weren't swallowing "another jesus" rather than the Real Messiah, why else would he say "I'm afraid" that people would fall for it, if it wasn't a very real issue?

This thread points toward the problem.

... multiple verses say that salvation is follows confessing with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.

"Why do you call Me "lord, lord," and NOT DO the things I say?" (Luke 6:46)

"False 'christs' will arise...to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthewe 24:24)

If people can't even discern transparently bogus translations from His real Word, because they have not been taught the difference "between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane" (multiple references!) how are they going to "know Him"? And Who the "Salvation of YHVH" is?
Does He know YOU? (Matthew 5:21-23)

If - as He said! - the "path is narrow" and "FEW there be that find it," there just may be a reason that Shaul/Paul also says "work out your own salvation [Hebrew root word is the same as Yahushua] with fear and trembling." (Phil. 2:12)

And the clincher is the warning in II Corinthians 11:4. If people weren't swallowing "another jesus" rather than the Real Messiah, why else would he say "I'm afraid" that people would fall for it, if it wasn't a very real issue?

This thread points toward the problem.

"Why do you call Me "lord, lord," and NOT DO the things I say?" (Luke 6:46)

"False 'christs' will arise...to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthewe 24:24)

If people can't even discern transparently bogus translations from His real Word, because they have not been taught the difference "between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane" (multiple references!) how are they going to "know Him"? And Who the "Salvation of YHVH" is?
So I’m confused, do all the verses reconcile or not?