You're welcome.
If I might help you re-write a few things in your head?
lalacookie said:
He has been my constant companion for 13 years
He has been my constant companion and I FINALLY got an evening to do whatever the heck I wanted to. The remote control was MINE.....ALL MINE....and shhh don't tell, but I watched the show he always turns off!
lalacookie said:
I was left alone to feed the girls, put them to sleep, water our gardens, etc......
It was great. I was left all alone with the girls, so we could have some one on one bonding time. We got to have some really fun girly time. I wish we had prepared better ahead of time so that we could have done (fill in the blank) which is one of my favorite childhood memories, but they have never/rarely get to do with their Mom.
lalacookie said:
Well, yesterday was a huge exposure of my fear of being left alone and being told thanks for the years but I found a better wife who has provided me with children
You are right. She has given him kids and they are going to keep him on his toes spiritually, energetically, emotionally - he is in for a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. She is the new shiny thing on the block and you are just the person he kinda knows already and really a little bit boring by comparison.
But wait...there's more.
You are also a better wife. You have been with him for 13 years. You know his likes/dislikes/fears/faults and yet you still love him. You know what kind of clothes he likes to wear and more importantly why. You aren't going to make the mistake of buying his pet peeve worst food in the universe like she will. There is a comfort and a stability that you provide that she cannot. He knows you and he knows how you will react to things - with her there are still a lot of question marks until they can really establish their own "ground rules". He can rest in the comfort of your relationship and its predictability. He can rest in you.
I am a second wife and TRUST ME on this. For all your list of reasons why you can never compete with the things she has to offer, she has an equally long list of things of why she cannot compete with you. Don't try to compete with her. She will always be the most perfect "her" and you will always be the most perfect YOU that God has ever made. If you try to be her, you will fail miserably. If she tries to be you, then she will fail miserably.
(we need to give her a name, even if it is a made up one - lalabrownie? - but I am open to suggestions)
Here is the thing - if you were identical human beings there really would be no point in having a 2nd wife. The truth is you BOTH bring something to the table positive and negative. The things you do to annoy him - and have probably done for the last 13 years - are probably not things she does. Similarly there are going to be days where he is scratching his head wondering why on earth she or any other sane person would do the annoying things she does in life.
Here is one definite plus - the things he does that are annoying and he keeps doing because he sees nothing wrong with his behavior - when there are 2 of you saying the same thing, he will re-evaluate whether it is a good idea to continue. Of course you will then feel that the only reason he changed was for her and for 13 years he refused to change for you. He will then be confused because he is finally doing what you have always wanted, and yet for some strange reason you are acting all upset!'re gonna have to develop a sense of humor, because it really is quite funny.
lalacookie said:
I know there will be struggles
Yup. Life is a journey and if it was all done from the comfort of an air conditioned carriage with onboard entertainment provided then we would miss so much of the adventure. Just remember in the heat of the moment, the "I cannot do this", the "why are we doing this to ourselves" that you will all come through to the other side and you will be stronger, healthier, more spiritually mature people for it. It will be worth it
lalacookie said:
My DH and I fortunately went to the retreat in Idaho so we have a good network of other plural families. I have several wives in which I can turn to for help
Very glad to hear it. I am still a little concerned for your sisterwife - who can she turn to when the going gets rough?
Glad you had a wonderful day. Sending you my prayers that you are successful.
My family prayed for you at breakfast this morning. My son wants to know who called their child "Captain Jonathan" , so we had to explain screen names to him