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Sarah from FL


New Member
Hello everyone! So I guess this is my introduction. 😅 My name is Sarah and I'm from Florida. I found this forum through the website, which I found via a post on a polygamy community on Reddit. I'm a Christian, raised Southern Baptist, and have been in a polygamous marriage for the past two and a half years. In our home, we are 5 people, one man, two women, and two children. I don't consider myself an expert on Scripture, not even close, but it is our understanding that polygamy is not incompatible to our faith or to the patriarchal structure we want to our family, much on the contrary. I simply wanted to find people with similar ideas, since our way of life is not very common, at least not where we live. Thank you!
Welcome to the party.
I suspect you will find many biblical and historical citations on the site for your lifestyle and marriage being very much the norm in the past
Welcome to a place where your lifestyle is considered normal.
More important - we KNOW it is Scriptural. And "normal" in this world is no longer what it was once cracked up to be anyway. ;)
You are right, that was an exceptionally poor choice of words.
Welcome from a Southern Baptist, who lived in Florida for six years.

Yes, the Bible permits patriarchal polygamy. You aren't crazy 👍
Welcome to a place where your lifestyle is considered normal.
Welcome to the party.
I suspect you will find many biblical and historical citations on the site for your lifestyle and marriage being very much the norm in the past
I was raised in a very strictly monogamous community, so I never really learned much about the Biblical approach to polygamy until very recently. My drive towards it after I became an adult had more to do with a feeling that such kind of family structure was the most natural, given the differences between men and women and how each interact with the other in a relationship.
My drive towards it after I became an adult had more to do with a feeling that such kind of family structure was the most natural, given the differences between men and women and how each interact with the other in a relationship.

The idea appealed to me for many years.
My hubby and his second celebrate 2 years the end of this month.

I'm not used to talk about these subjects outside of my home, so it's nice to be welcomed.
Since most places think polygyny is weird,
it's nice to be somewhere where you will be thought weird for other reasons. :p
I was raised in a very strictly monogamous community, so I never really learned much about the Biblical approach to polygamy until very recently. My drive towards it after I became an adult had more to do with a feeling that such kind of family structure was the most natural, given the differences between men and women and how each interact with the other in a relationship.
You have good instincts then.

I am rarely the guy to make Bible citations but I do beat the evolutionary psychology drum pretty frequently and regularly point out that there are way more moms in the genetic record than dads. Polygamy used to be the norm.
So there is very much a reason why some women feel drawn to that family structure
The idea appealed to me for many years.
My hubby and his second celebrate 2 years the end of this month.

Since most places think polygyny is weird,
it's nice to be somewhere where you will be thought weird for other reasons. :p
In our case, I am the second wife and we already passed the 2-year mark. 😊 My husband and his first wife have been together for far longer than that.
You have good instincts then.

I am rarely the guy to make Bible citations but I do beat the evolutionary psychology drum pretty frequently and regularly point out that there are way more moms in the genetic record than dads. Polygamy used to be the norm.
So there is very much a reason why some women feel drawn to that family structure
I don't know much about evolutionary psychology, but it makes a lot of sense if we consider the roles of man as the family's patriarch and women as wives and mothers. I believe that a lot of resistance from women to the idea of polygamy comes from pride, since that is something we struggle with and must forgo when we enter such a marriage.
Welcome to the forum! Glad you guys found your way here!

I'd like to know what reddit group that is, kinda like to check it out.