• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Shalom and howdy

Robert ben_yochanan

New Member
Blessings and love and Shalom to the family of our Heavenly Father YHWH, in the name of our Master & Messiah Yeshua the only Begotten Son. I would like to tell you about ourselves.

Our names are Robert and Serina Johnson, we live in Corsicana Texas and have been married for 1.5 months.

I (Robert), am 38 years old and was raised in a standard American church background but in my childhood I was aware of the distinct differences between marriage as it is in the Bible vs. marriage relationships I was seeing as I grew up. Polygyny and mastery (headship) and children were some of the most notable differences.
Close to 5 years ago I started to comprehend in walking out Scripture and in my Torah observance that Biblical marriage has been rejected for centuries or longer & must be returned to for healthy, obedient relationships to exist that are blessed by Yahweh.

Serina was raised in the catholic church and grew up on the West coast. She became a christian woman at the age of 40 and was led to Torah in January 2024 through attendance of a national american Sovereignty assembly.
She was introduced to Biblical marriage, including polygyny through me (Robert) and has been studying this for months. She is trusting in Yah's direction and Words that His form of marriage relationship is the right and holy path. She is eager to meet other women who are practicing Biblical marriage and in plural marriage themselves.

Our plan is we are going to start participating in the forum and in the Biblical Family Facebook (where Robert has been a member for 6+ months & Serina is a brand new member). Many thanks to @PeteR for his Torah Brethren Telegram group where I have been a member most of this calendar year
Welcome! We have a ladies chat on Tuesday nights, 7.30pm Eastern time. Your wife is welcome to join us. There are some plural, and some non-plural wives there.
Shalom and welcome!
Shalom and Welcome
Shalom aleichem, Robert and Serina!
Welcome, and thanks for the good introduction.