So we all know it’s only a matter of time before someone we know will be charged and arrested for one of these issues.
At that time, wouldn’t it be awesome if likeminded and sympathetic people could use that case to challenge the status quo all the way to the Supreme Court and get these unconstitutional laws struck from the Code and relegated to the history books?
Sounds great! Right? It’s gonna take a lot of money and support to make that happen.
I would challenge each of you that wanna see poly become a legit form of legal marital structure to begin setting money aside for the day when this becomes reality for you or someone you know.
How surprised would a DA be if our response to the charges was not to be in fear and trembling, but rather to say, “Bring it on!” “Let’s do this!
At that time, wouldn’t it be awesome if likeminded and sympathetic people could use that case to challenge the status quo all the way to the Supreme Court and get these unconstitutional laws struck from the Code and relegated to the history books?
Sounds great! Right? It’s gonna take a lot of money and support to make that happen.
I would challenge each of you that wanna see poly become a legit form of legal marital structure to begin setting money aside for the day when this becomes reality for you or someone you know.
How surprised would a DA be if our response to the charges was not to be in fear and trembling, but rather to say, “Bring it on!” “Let’s do this!