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Testimony to my Rose


Real Person
The Lord has been working on me for some time about Covenant Relationships / Biblical marriage and I wish to thank one and all on this board for the various discussions that have been posted. I believe as iron sharpens iron, so too does the discussion of Gods word between believers. The discussions here and my own study of the Word has brought about some great understanding and revelation from the Lord concerning Covenant Relationships in general and the one that I and rose are working on. So having said all of that, the below is a testimony of my Love to and for my Rose.

The Lord spoke to me this morning Rose via the "church" service I saw this morning. HE wanted me to tell you this, not in private but in a public forum so that all can see.

You Rose, are, have been and always will be the love of my life. You and I have been together both married and "dating" each other for better than 30 years. You are a blessing unto me in so many ways that I cannot tell all. I will tell just a few. You have blessed me via, Tony, Beth, Sarah and Amie. You have blessed me by standing by me when I have felt down in the dumps and was not right with God. You blessed me by encouraging me to return to church and worshiping my God. You have blessed me by standing by my side and showing others that our marriage would and will survive. You have blessed me by caring for others. You have blessed me by trying to be a good homemaker. You have blessed me in your seeking and finding a job, in order to better prepare us for retirement. You have blessed me by loving me. You have blessed me by agreeing with me about Covenant Relationships and supporting me as we have taken the steps of seeking to add "J" to our family and my love for her.

There are other things to say but they are more private and are for another time. Rest assured my Rose, NO one and I mean NO ONE can ever replace you in my life. NO One can remove the bond that you and I have formed from having been together all of these years. As the following scripture states "Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love." I am and always will be enraptured by your love Rose, for you are the wife of my youth as you will also be the wife of my old age.

I love you Rose and always will. May the Lord our God bless you in all things. May HE keep you safe and protect you always. May the Lord and His word always be the guide and guiding instruction by which we live our lives.

I love you!!!
To my Chaplain,
I am hardly able to express how touching and beautiful the tribute of your love that you gave to me under this post. It has taken me this few days to try and put my thoughts together so they make sense. In the most simple terms all I can say is that I love you and that I am proud to be your wife. The love I have for you has grown and gotten stronger over the last 30 plus years. It was a new fresh young love all those years back but it is still new and fresh but its also an older and more mature love that I have for you.
I may not have always been the most submissive or the best housekeeper that I could have been but my heart was in the right place. I am still trying to juggle all the things we have going on in our lives and sometimes it can be overwhelming and I have to admit it sometimes get the best of me and it causes me to not see the forest for the trees. I am still to be all that God wants me to be so I can be the wife I can be for you and be the woman you hold so dear. I fall down, I fail, I make wrong decisions but the only two constants in my life are God and you. You pick me up, dust me off , hold me and just love me. Sometimes the only thing that kept me going was your great love for me.
We have chosen a calling that The Lord doesn't call every man, woman, or couple too. It has not been easy for me and The Chaplain can attest to that. Sunday morning The Chaplain listened and watched his preaching in the Gulf and I was at worship service at our church. One thing that God spoke to me was about that I am to be The Chaplains Helpmate or his counterpart. I am not to be The Chaplains head nor am I to be beneath The Chaplains feet. I am to be walking at his side and let him lead the way. That also is not easy for me.... but I am working on that too.
Last but not least I love you , My Chaplain and I am so blessed to be your wife and to have you as my husband. To have been the wife of your youth and to be the wife of your old age. We have built a strong marriage on the Rock where others thought our marriage was built on the sands.. Thank you for your public declaration of you vast love for me and know my love for you is just as vast.
You have my heart always as well as my love
Chap and Rose,

Your sweet words to each other have fed and encouraged my soul and spirit this morning. I can't wait to tell my husband Steve about the site. It is exactly what we have been looking for for years!

Blessings from 'bama just next to ya,
Ali Elizabeth Turner
As I sat here reading the words that you two have said to one another, I just started crying. You two have such deep love for each other and I know that it will probably only increase once "J" comes into your family. I am very glad to have found this post today. Thanks for the encouragement you two!