Well, sort of (for both steve and Slumberfreeze). They were deliberately told different stories as an experiment, and then the object of the experiment was to see if having a different narrative in mind would affect what the photographers saw. Unsurprisingly and remarkably at the same time, it really did, which then affected the story those photographers told through their art.
Most of child rearing, most of education, most of Sunday school, for that matter, can be understood as teaching people a frame of reference, a way of understanding, a 'worldview', with the deliberate intention of having it affect the way they experience and interpret events. Nothing 'artificial' about it, and nobody's 'playing' anybody. We do it on purpose all the time.
And it's been done to all of us, every since we ourselves were kids. It's good once in awhile to remember that we ourselves each have a backstory and a narrative and therefore a perspective that are all unique, and that very much influence what we 'see' and experience and think we understand. It is only as we compare our points of view with others that we can start to really understand that.