Occasionally, in the middle of a thread discussing anything, someone just comes out with a statement so profound you really want to remember it and share it with others. But it gets lost. This thread is a place to record and share the most profound gems of wisdom.
The very simple rules:
- You cannot quote yourself or your spouse.
- The quote must be short, a few sentences at most.
- You must link to the thread the quote has come from, so people can read the context (and so you don't feel the need to copy a whole page of writing!). If you can, link directly to the comment itself (each comment has a number e.g. "#34" at the top right, click this to get a link to that specific comment).
- No discussion on this thread. It's just a list of quotes. If you think something shouldn't be here, report the post using the "post report" button or by private message to a moderator.
To most easily bring across a quote: Highlight the relevant quote. Click the floating word "Reply" that comes up below it - this will format a quote in the new post box at the bottom of that page. Copy this text, come to this thread, and paste it here.
To format quotes and links manually, copy this code and modify:
The very simple rules:
- You cannot quote yourself or your spouse.
- The quote must be short, a few sentences at most.
- You must link to the thread the quote has come from, so people can read the context (and so you don't feel the need to copy a whole page of writing!). If you can, link directly to the comment itself (each comment has a number e.g. "#34" at the top right, click this to get a link to that specific comment).
- No discussion on this thread. It's just a list of quotes. If you think something shouldn't be here, report the post using the "post report" button or by private message to a moderator.
To most easily bring across a quote: Highlight the relevant quote. Click the floating word "Reply" that comes up below it - this will format a quote in the new post box at the bottom of that page. Copy this text, come to this thread, and paste it here.
To format quotes and links manually, copy this code and modify:
[quote="Fred"]Fred's profound wisdom[/quote]
[url=www.biblicalfamilies.org/thepostoffred]Quoted post[/url]
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