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True leadership

Very good.. and applies a great deal to headship. Self-sacrificial leadership v. Authoritarian dictator....
It reminded me of why it is so hard for some women to ‘follow the leader’. We simply cannot or do not trust his leadership.
The sad thing is many husbands have never chosen to lead, had to lead, been taught to lead or wanted to lead- until something significant comes up. For some families all of a sudden he wants to use his authority and cause a following to happen, when it was never required before.
On the flip side most wives have never chosen to follow, been taught to follow, or submitted their life to unite with the man they’ve pledged to follow.
I don’t envy you men, leadership is not for the faint of heart. Following isn’t always easy, the burden is just different because of the consequences at the end of the day-
where am I leading my troops? How have I followed my Husband? Have I prepared them well enough for this battle I see coming ahead? Am I prepared to fight this battle with him?
Lots of thoughts stewing in my mind...
Self-sacrificial leadership v. Authoritarian dictator....

False dichotomy. His best examples of sacrificial leadership were military officers, who also have near absolute authority (including ordering them into certain death) over their men.

That video is also good on the benefit of tribes over our modern economic system. Among other points...

You know, in the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so that we may gain. We have it backwards.
A patriarch must be firm, yet gentle (and not waver. $For example, the other day, I told my two wives that they needed to stop making cosplay costumes. They protested, saying that they never took on projects involving skimpy, immodest costumes. I told them that they should focus on making modest apparel for women who want to dress modestly for me to sell online. They eventually aquieced.