Up and can't sleep because of a car that keeps driving by, so now my mind is thinking on things. My hubby told me the military codes governing adultry have become more broad, which is not a good thing! This really scares me, especially knowing how some women are these days. To further the fear, my hubby told me about an officer who was recently discharged and tried for adultry because a "second wife" got angry and decided to tell. In the case of a military family with a lot at stake, would you suggest just waiting until retirement to pursue an alternative relationship? I really want this, but my trust level is pretty much zero at this point. We have run into more emotionally unstable women pursuing this life style than emotionally stable ones. My children and I have health issues and it would devastate our family if a woman got angry and decided to get vindictive. What would you do to prevent a woman from doing this? I am assuming there really isn't a way?