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Looking for a best friend <3


Seasoned Member
Real Person
Looking for A Best Friend-

Someone that will enjoy late night chats, belly laughs, someone I can help share your day-to-day work, let me be your village in helping raise your children, someone to meal plan with, cook with, shop with or for, let you sleep in or go to bed early when needed, workout with, let me lighten or share your burdens and stress.

Late night chats (of course it includes chocolate)- conversations about all topics, nothing is off limits (deep or surface, I just want to spend time bonding.)

Belly laughs- laugh until we cry bringing pure joy to our lives.

Sharing the work load- let’s work together and lighten the load. May you never feel the stress of maintaining a home alone again.

Be your village- let’s be honest, raising kids and new babies is exhausting, let me be that other person that is there with you day in and day out to give you a mom break when you need it- go take a bubble bath in middle of the day.. or actually get a shower more than once a week. Let me take the newborn so you can get some rest or spend time with your man.

Meal plan with- let’s get creative and try new things! Let’s sit down and find yummy recipes to try. Not only will it help get out of the repeat meal cycle, but we can plan and save money too.

Cook with- how much more fun is it to cook with someone than alone? Or if you need a night off, let me cook and you can sit back an relax too!

Shop with, or for- I know all too well how hard it is to get into the store with a trove of small kiddos. Let’s shop and tag team together or one of us can stay with the kids to give the other a quiet break to get the shopping completed! Grab a coffee and take your time!

Sleep in/ go to bed early- oh the life with small children can be hard. There is so much to do from the moment they wake demanding to eat until after they are in bed buttoning up the chores. No need to always be the one to wake up early, let’s take turns! Or you can go to bed early, at times, while I finish up the tasks before bed.

Workout together- let’s enjoy working out and motivating each other to be healthy! Let’s go for walks together with the tribe of kids, or if you need a break, I’ll watch the kids so you can just stroll and listen to your favorite music or podcast.

Lighten or share your burdens- life is hard, let me be someone you can share your heart with and let me be the listening ear, or shoulder to cry on. You don’t have to be alone.

A best friend- let me be that closer than a sister, best friend, girl squad, ride or die friend I long to be. In return, you gain a wonderful family, an amazing husband who loves fiercely, a lovely home in the country, and a wonderful life full of love, laughter, happiness and security.

Sounds pretty great, I think! ;)
@WifeOfHisYouth may the Lord provide most of those things to you in a sister wife and may you grow in character and maturity dealing with all the missing items on your list. :-) I so wish I could say all sister wife relationships are as wonderful as you have described above. (I wish all girl friends relationships were that good, too.) But unfortunately, sometimes it is more strife than smoothness, yet that gives us a clearer view of how wonderful our Lord is in the ups and downs of relationships.

Praying the Lord sends you a special friend to share your life with. She will be a lucky woman to have you in her life!
oh the life with small children can be hard. There is so much to do from the moment they wake demanding to eat until after they are in bed buttoning up the chores.
Mothers if young boys work from son up to son down. :)

That was on a sign for sale at the old general store.

I understand the appeal. Your post did an excellent job of putting into words so many of the possible benefits.

When you are a mom of littles....and none of them are yet old enough to help without supervision.....it can seem totally overwhelming. An only wife has to be everything to everyone it seems. The thought of a "job share" is sadly not thought of by many singles......it's the home schooling, country living, scratch cooking and canning woman that realizes life might be better thata way.

I hope you are blessed with everything you need.....with or without that other wife.

I have laughed during tough times at this quote "I know God won't give me more then I can handle. He must think I'm a real bad @$$!" Always look for the humor....and remember the BIG picture.
Hug those babies. You'll be okay lady.
@julieb - I fully agree. I know I haven’t been the best sisterwife material in the past, not as welcoming or inviting that I should have been. God has done a tremendous amount of work in my heart the last several months (in addition to the years previous!) to show me more of the benefits that I can bring to someone coming in, more than focusing on what she will be to me. I have felt my heart open up to where I actually find myself missing and longing for whoever God may bring into our lives. If no one, I am blessed by the heart changes I’ve had and understanding the beauty in plural more than ever before. :)

When you are a mom of littles....and none of them are yet old enough to help without supervision.....it can seem totally overwhelming. An only wife has to be everything to everyone it seems
Ha I have told hubs, the more little kiddos we have, the more I feel like God is showing me I am indeed not enough! And I don’t have to be! It’s made me desire and hope for plural all the more, just even for the built in friendship of someone who is there in the thick of it with me lol. Nonetheless, my heart has grown and I’m glad for that!
If no one, I am blessed by the heart changes I’ve had and understanding the beauty in plural more than ever before. :)

This is beautiful! Yeah, for you! I have come to believe it really isn't about "what" God sends us to deal with it is about how we grow in relationship with Him and mature because of it.