If this would have been my life with that many children and homeschooling, I would have been on board with a sisterwife after three kids. LOL
No. Well, maybe some do, but none I know. And there's the little ones too, you can never really have a break from them.
Lol, that was my thought after 3 kids as well! We've expanded so much now that we've sort of run out of room to put anyone now, unless she wants to bunk with the kids ha ha!
Our third was about 4 months old when we started studying, and accepting polygyny.....seems like there is a pattern here!
I think that what happens is the mum of three realizes on a subconscious level that the children now outnumber the adults in the family, and another child is not really going to help her keep track of the three she has and keep them out of trouble. (Search the word "Apricots" on the forum here for a true example of what could happen when a mom of three takes a nap with the baby.)
In a busy big family the mom may at times feel like the most blessed woman on earth to have the family she does, and other days feel like she may actually want a sisterwife because misery likes company. Women have cycles and are not the same every day. Some weeks are harder then others...some seasons too. Just imagine a bunch of coughing kids with noses that need wiped every 3 seconds, or a week with a stomach bug making everyone's best friend their barf bowl.
Our family has grown over the years, our house has not. Our oldest two are out in the guest house now. If we ever have another woman interested in being part of the family we will figure out the living arrangements.
I'd be just fine slumber partying with my girls some of the time....or letting the other gal and hubby get away from all of us for some bonding time away from curious eyes. Kids don't miss anything when dad is getting to know a girlfriend! It's a whole new world and probably worse then siblings!
Thanks for sharing Sarah. I may live in a different country and climate but being a wife, experiencing home life with children, and scratch cooking has aspects that are the same no matter what part of the world we call home. It was lovely visiting your house for that day.