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Support Abducted Children

It's been 9 months, just finally have some action undergoing in both my country and the country she is in. However this gives me both releif and some anxiety. I hate things being taken to the legal steps because it's all about pointing fingers and I don't want to have to do that legal game, but i don't have any clue what else to do in order to seeing my son's again. Additionally I don't trust what she may or may not say in court, I'm confident she will make false statements to try and win what she wants. And I know the court systems tend to always make decisions in the favor of women without reasonable cause or based on truthful statements. Las, she's prevented me from talking to my kids for almost a year. Who knows the garbage she's plugged into their heads over that time. Definitely can use your prays and that God's will be done, not the courts, hers or mine. I do believe the best interest of the boys is to be with their father and other brothers, but for that to even happen I need them here, so it's up to the UK courts to agree on that matter and order their return. Sigh* I really hate this.
I’m praying, you seem really out of choices in this situation.
Sure it does, red pill is actively about men's rights and being able to be men. It's about being in their lives, not just the fact their mother is a unbeliever.
I think you have RPM confused with MGTOW.
It's been 9 months, just finally have some action undergoing in both my country and the country she is in. However this gives me both releif and some anxiety. I hate things being taken to the legal steps because it's all about pointing fingers and I don't want to have to do that legal game, but i don't have any clue what else to do in order to seeing my son's again. Additionally I don't trust what she may or may not say in court, I'm confident she will make false statements to try and win what she wants. And I know the court systems tend to always make decisions in the favor of women without reasonable cause or based on truthful statements. Las, she's prevented me from talking to my kids for almost a year. Who knows the garbage she's plugged into their heads over that time. Definitely can use your prays and that God's will be done, not the courts, hers or mine. I do believe the best interest of the boys is to be with their father and other brothers, but for that to even happen I need them here, so it's up to the UK courts to agree on that matter and order their return. Sigh* I really hate this.
That is where you are going to need to have the second wife testify on your behalf, when she is in the proper mood to do so, of course.
praying for you when Sara left first time she took my boys they were 8 10 and 12 they ended up one at a time coming back to me when they started middle school and High school she couldn't stop them from fighting and getting into trouble
took me a year to change the behavior all my boys joined military and got married and keep in touch so there is light at end of tunnel keep fighting the fight if they know your trying thats all that matters