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Based memes

My wife and I just watched the movie "Captive" about Brian Nichols, and one of the lines in the movie that sticks out is where he tells the hostage, "My father went to church every Sunday, and he was a mean drunk".
And that cuts both ways.
Should we go out and try to find an image of a husband with a black eye and a wife who looks like the guilty suspect, or just use an image from the movie, "Misery"?
Should we go out and try to find an image of a husband with a black eye and a wife who looks like the guilty suspect, or just use an image from the movie, "Misery"?
It doesn't have to be that direct a comparison.


A woman you meet at church still might have the heart of a harlot. Perhaps she is an "alpha widow" or "reformed party girl" who has had past relations with a huge number of men, and is looking for a nice religious beta simp to take care and provide for her (and her bastard offspring).

By the way, the word "bastard" is obviously offensive, but is also Biblical.

Some women in church might be truly and radically converted former harlots (like Rahab). I might consider one. Many others are still harlots in their hearts, with a thin veneer of fake piety covering their still wicked natures.

A woman you meet at church might be a feminist, a Marxist, a quarrelsome and contentious woman, a lazy woman, a drunkard or drug addict, mentally ill, actually abusive, etc .

Not all Israel is truly Israel
Yes, please MOAR infighting.

Imagine that Trump wins because some election cheaters don't do their job out of spite. 🤣🤣🤣
Give me whistle blowing out of spite for the win
Don't forget this banger:

View attachment 8519
Fun theory.
Gonna call it bunk as research suggests that epigenetic marks, specifically methylation pathway mutations, may play a role in the development of homosexuality. A small study of male twins found that nine methylation sites helped predict a person’s sexual orientation with nearly 70% accuracy. This study implies that epigenetic differences, rather than genetic mutations, may contribute to the variation in sexual orientation.
Not quite as funny but still quite amusing would be the notion of being changed by metholated multivitamins. Maybe one shaped like Fred Flintstone with a boner.
I don't recall if that study referenced the super common MTHFR mutation (HA! I was right! I looked and it was the MTHFR, well that and COMT but I was still right in my theory that the one which can hugely contribute to depression, anxiety, bipolar, borderline personality, schizophrenia etc etc would also contribute to be in a moe. Lol, smug face dot gif)

R (5).gif

Still going to drop that meme in a place to rustle jimmies though
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